By Faith - You Made It "Real"!

 Hebrews 13:1, 2&6 Faith is what makes real the things we hope for.  It (Faith) is proof of what we cannot see.  God was pleased with the people who lived long ago because they had faith like this. Without faith no one can please God.  Whoever comes to God must believe that He is real and that He rewards those who sincerely try to find Him.


By Faith - You Made It "Real"!


The things we “Hope For”

have not yet occurred, therefore the things we hope for are not real, yet.


Our Daily Nugget is telling us that although what we Hope for have not yet occurred, therefore not real; that we as Kingdom Citizens, with “The Power” that comes with that position we can make the things we Hope for Real by,

Adding or Applying or Exercising 

” Our Faith”.


God gave us The Faith, therefore, it is “Our Faith”.

We don’t need to pray for more Faith. 

We need to pray for the Wisdom to Exercise “Our Faith” Sufficiently!


Words in Our Daily Nugget:

1.      Faith - The “assurance” that the things revealed and promised in the Word are true, even though unseen, and gives the believer a conviction that what he expects in Faith, will come to pass.

2.      Hope - A “desire” accompanied by expectation of or belief in fulfillment.

3.      Believe - To place one’s “trust” in God’s “truth”, The Bible.

4.      Sincerity - Pure, without mixture. Honesty, fairness, justice, equal weights 

and equal measures.


The more Childlike our Faith is, 

The More Power We Have as Kingdom Citizens.

To have a childlike Faith requires that we confess that 

on our own we can-do no-good thing!


This confession shows Faith and is evidence of Humility. 


The Spirit World registers this confession as Faith and Humility and proceed to make real the things we Hope For! When this type or degree of Faith occurs in our Heart (minds) nothing can stop us or prevent what we Hope for from occurring or coming to pass.


The Bible tells us that “With Faith”, 

we will be able to “Quench” “Every” Fiery Dart Shot at us by The Evil One!

These fiery darts are “bad things” satan is trying to do to us.


Faith protects us from hearing and obeying the demonic spirits speaking to us to

     get us to do wrong.  

Faith is like “Keeping The Light On” in our Minds.  Darkness knows that it cannot

     come where The Light is On.


Faith leads us to say, 

“I Can Do All Things”, 

Because Christ is With Me. 


The Bible says that “God has given us a “Measure of Faith”.

This Measure of Faith 

Is Plenty Sufficient For Us to Live Our Purpose and to Exercise our Gifts.


Our Daily Nugget talks about people long ago who “exercised” Faith; these people showed no hesitation to do everything God said, no matter what it looks like.


Faith requires Patience & Confidence & Expectation!


To worry is a Lack of Faith!

A Lack of Faith is due to a Lack of Trust!

Remember, nothing is too hard for God, and He Loves us as a Father, rest in that!


The Bible says that “whatever we want to ask God for it”.


Ask God to Bless you to 

Exercise Sufficient Faith Concerning Each Situation in Your Life Today,

And Watch What Happens.



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