
 I have learned to be satisfied with what I have. I know what it is to be in need and what it is to have more than enough.  I have learned this secret, so that anywhere, at any time, “I am Content”, whether I am full or hungry, whether I have too much or too little.  I have the strength to face all conditions by the power that Christ gives me.   (Philippians 4:11-13) 




A Contented Spirit can “Count It All Joy”!


For The Kingdom Citizen, “Joy” 

is determined by what’s on the inside, not what’s on the outside!


Paul knew the full range of human experience, from having nothing to having much, from being hungry to being full, these are things that “The World” tells us that we “need” in order to be content.


A Contented Spirit will “Trust God”, The Word’s Way of Handling Things.

A Discontented Spirit will “Trust Self”, The World’s of Handling Things.


Our Daily Nugget is telling the Philippians and Us, that the condition of life that we are in, should have nothing to do with our Spirits being Content.


Why Is A Contented Spirit So Important?

If our spirit is not contented it is discontented.


A Contented Spirit led us to “Hear and Obey” the Holy Spirit!  We will Trust God, The Bible, and not think that we have to manipulate, or be deceptive “in any form”, to get what we want.


A Discontented Spirit will result in a “pattern” of turning from God, The Bible, lying and hiding sin.  A Discontented Spirit cannot please God, for it cannot obey God.


Always keep this fact in mind.

The Spirit World Controls The Physical World!


If Your “Place” in life is not pleasing to you;

don’t fret, don’t worry, don’t drive yourself and those around crazy by complaining “all the time” about it.  


“Adjust Your Sails”!  Change Your “Thinking”!

Do Not try to Change “The Wind”!

Remember, Through Our Thinking We Set The Parameters of Our Life.

The Mind (Heart) Truly is a Terrible Thing to Waste!

God Always provide “A Way Out”, just take it.

If you don’t “see” the way out, ask God, He’ll Show It To You.

Never resort to Self!


I heard a man say,

I Don’t Complain Anymore; When I Would Complain, “I Pray”!


Through Our “Thinking”

We set the “parameters” of our Life.


God’s People do not have to continue to perish due to “lack of knowledge”; study the Bible and God’s People will not have to, if we don’t Study, we will continue to needlessly perish.  Also, we deprive The World of The Light that God wants to shine on the them through us.



Ask God to Bless You Today With 

“A Spirit of Contentment”

And Watch What Happens!






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