Love - The "Royal Law" of the Kingdom!

 If ye fulfill the “royal law” according to the scripture, Thou shall “Love” Thy Neighbor As Thyself, ye do well.  (James 2:8) 



The “Royal Law” of The Kingdom!


In God’s Kingdom

In Heaven and Here On Earth, There Is Only One Law,

“The Law To Love”!


The very moment we accept Jesus, The Christ, as our Lord and Savior we become Citizens in The Kingdom of God even though we are still on earth.  Each Kingdom Citizen has access to “all” the resources of the Kingdom in Heaven, for us to serve God here as His Ambassadors and Soldiers.


A Sin Filled Lifestyle Will “Forfeit” Our Ability To Serve God.

Sin is still a “very big deal” with God. 

Sin and Love cannot walk together.


Our Daily Nugget is telling us that if we fulfill 

The Royal Law that “Ye Do Well”.


When we “do well” in God’s sight, Good Things happens to us.  When we “do bad” in God’s sight, Bad Things happens to us.  This is how God punishes and reward “Obedience” and “Disobedience”; including obedience or disobedience to the Royal Law.


Everyone knows “perfectly” how to obey the Royal Law.

Just treat your neighbor the “exact same way” that you would like to be treated.


To Live in obedience to the Royal Law to Love, we must “Change Our Thinking”.  Before becoming a Kingdom Citizen, we were just worldly citizens, looking at life from a worldly point of view.  Legal is right illegal is wrong.  Just because a thing is legal, does not make it right and just because it is illegal does not make it wrong.


In The Kingdom, Things Work Very Differently!

Axe handles float.

Donkeys speak human language.

Man commands the sun to stand still. 

I can do all things.

The weak is strong.

I can Love My Neighbor As I Love Myself.

Our Daily Nugget specifies what Royal Law, as religions and traditions might have their royal laws.  God is making it plain through James, that The Bible, according to the Scriptures, is the way we should Love One Another.  


Herein lies another need to obey the command “To Study The Bible”.  If we do not Study, then we don’t know.  Most people, I know, who say they are Christians do not study the Bible.  


Could this be why, Light and Darkness cannot occupy the same place at the same time?  We all need to ask that person in the mirror that question.


Jesus wants us to fulfill the Royal Law because

“That Is How We Take Care Of Each Other”.

Through Love, we fill each other’s needs.


Let Each of us Fill God’s Heart With Pure Joy, 

By asking Him to bless us to “Fulfill The Royal Law Fully”,

And Watch What Happens!




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