The Home.

 Proverbs 14:1 Homes are made by the “wisdom” of women, and homes are destroyed by the “foolishness” of “women”.


“The Home”


God Designed “The Home”!

The “incubator or nursery” of Kingdom Citizens.


The Bible is God’s Instruction Manual for Kingdom Citizens.

It is not designed to make us “feel” good, but it is designed to make us “be” good; 

in God’s Sight!


Our Daily Nugget is written by Solomon, the wisest man to have ever lived.  God is telling us through him that, “The Home” is made by the “wisdom” of the woman; and that “The Home” is destroyed by the “foolishness” of the woman. 


Wisdom – The “right” use of “knowledge”.  “Right” according to The Bible.

                The same venom from a snake that can kill a man, “rightly” used can save 

his life.  This wisdom is not limited to the United States of today; but for The Whole World, throughout time. 

Foolishness – The “wrong” use of knowledge.  The result of a person “misusing” 

the intelligence God has given them.  A fool uses their reasoning skills to make “wrong decisions”.


The Incubator – The first nine months of a person’s life is in the mother’s womb; the remainder of a person’s life is outside of the mother’s womb.  “Particular Care” must be given to the child during the incubation period; for the child to grow into a healthy, productive adult. The mother must take extra care during this time.


Normally from conception to age seven;

The timeframe where the majority of a child’s values are formed.

The mother has, by far, the most “influence” over how that child will “Think” all their life.  With this “influence” comes responsibility to God.


The woman who is guided by “The Word” and not “The World”, will make

“Right Decisions”, bringing “Salvation” to Her Home; and to her children’s homes and to her children’s, children’s homes.


A few years ago, I shared this scripture with a woman, but in two parts.  The first part of our Daily Nugget is, Homes are made by the wisdom of women.  


I shared with her my personal experience, when I would come home from school and only daddy was home, that the house felt cold and drab.  But when I came home and momma was home, the house felt warm and comfortable.  She said, “yes”, I can see that the home is made by the “wisdom” of the woman.


Then, I shared the second part, that the Home is destroyed by the “foolishness” of the woman. I said to her that a man cannot destroy a home, only a woman.  At that, she said, so you mean to say….  I stopped her right there, I said you need to ask God what “He Meant” to say, and I would suggest you ask Him with a different attitude, for He said it.  


In order for us to benefit from God’s Word, The Bible,

we must “swallow it”, hook, line and sinker; not just the parts we like.


The Home is under constant attack from The Demonic forces of darkness.

Kingdom Citizens do not fret at the darkness, “Turn On The Light”, The Bible.

When the “incubator” works correctly it produces “Kingdom Citizens”.

When the “incubator” works incorrectly it produces “Worldly Citizens”.


Pride will say, that’s all right, “I” got it.

Humility will say, “I” Need It, Lord Help Me.


Let your prayer today be for humility,

And Watch What Happens.



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