Sin Destroys Human Society!

 Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.”  (Proverbs 14:34)

Their feet rush into sin, they are swift to shed innocent blood.  They pursue evil schemes; acts of violence mark their ways.  The way of peace they do not know; there is no justice in their paths.  They have turned them into crooked roads; no one walks along them will know peace. (Isaiah 59:7&8)


Sin Destroys Human Society!


Sin is “doing differently than what God says in The Bible”.

The demon of “selfishness” is a main culprit that leads us to sin against God.

We sin against God when we refuse to Love Our Neighbor As We Love Ourself”!


Sin has destroyed every Human Society since the first one; therefore,

“What Sort Of People Should We Be?

We should be “Light” for A “Dark World”!


We Should be like the people who “Stood For God” in the midst of these sin sick societies.  People like Noah and Jacob and Joseph and David and Daniel, Shadrach and Meshach and Abednego and John the Baptist and Paul and Peter and Stephen.


These are People Who “Yielded Not” to the 

Temptation to “Turn From God” To The World!

These are the “Sort of People” we should be!


Our words and thoughts can be evil for sure, but it is our “evil deeds” that lead to the shipwreck and downfall of a nation.  Selfishness and greed are two main culprits that lead to the sins that destroy human society.


It Is Not Okay To Sin!

Let no one misled you; Jesus did not die and suffer like He did to bring Salvation to us, so that we can sin as much as we like and still go to heaven when we die.


This is not from The Bible.

This understanding is from religions and traditions; made up by False Teachers!


Oftentimes we hear this prayer; “God Bless America”.

Gods has Blessed America, 

“It is Now Time for America To Bless God”!  By Obeying God.

Earnestly, look at our society; the Churches, the Government, the Individuals.

Where is our Obedience to God in our society?


Our Churches:  

The priest raping little boys.

The evangelicals have placed their Faith in the political process, no Truth.

Oftentimes, very racist.

The baptist love money and immorality.

The catholics have replaced The Bible with their book.

Homosexuality is accepted by most religious leaders.


Our Government:

Our governmental leaders beg for “bribe money” to run for office.

Two faces; they say one thing today and just the opposite by 02:30 pm tomorrow.

Sincerity and Truth is not even discussed.

We got the best government money can buy.


The Individuals:

The Church and government leaders comes from us; since they come from us; 

What does that say about us?

We Must See Ourselves The Way God See Us.


This “Clear Picture of Ourselves Leads To Maturity”,

where we Kingdom Citizens are able to consume and digest the 

“Meat” of God’s Word and no longer requiring “Milk”!


Ask God to Bless you to Exalt the Nation by 

“Living Right”,

And Watch What Happens.


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