Time With God!

 And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a “solitary place” and there prayed.  (Mark 1:35)


Time With God!


I Love You, Therefore I “Make Time” For You!

I Love You, But; I Don’t Have “Time” To Be With You! 


It will be extremely difficult, at best, 

to make someone believe you Love them when you do not take 

“Time To Be With Them”!


Giving God “The First” of anything takes “Time, Effort and Focus”.

Giving the “First” of anything to God is giving “The Whole” of That Thing To God!


God gives each of us twenty-four hours each day,

It is very selfish to not give “any” of those twenty-four hours back to Him.

Give and it shall be given back to you, 

pressed down, shaken together, running over; this includes “Time” also.


Our Daily Nugget

is Jesus, rising early in the morning to “Spend Time With God” in prayer!

Here we see Jesus giving the “First Part” of his Day to God. Now everything that Jesus is involved with that day, God is involved with.  God is now His partner.

This is how we make God our partner.


Giving this “Time” to God is a way of “Honoring Him”!

The “morning” is a time of renewal, refreshing, “new beginnings”.


Solomon instructs us to

“Trust Our Works Unto The Lord”, 

“Then” our imaginations, 

our ways of handling situations will be erect, correct and prosperous!


The “Wisest” use of Time is the Time we Spend With God!

God is “Light”, there is no “darkness” in Him.  

Spending time with God is protection from darkness.

Not spending time with God, is spending time with Satan.

When we spend time with God, our hearts (minds), works better.

The demonic spirits are always speaking to us, trying to get us to use all of the time God gives us, for our self and none for Him.  God blesses others through us; God blesses us through others.  The more time we spend with God, the more we will “Live Our Purpose”!


This Is The Goal – To Live Our Purpose!

Our Purpose was designed by God, before He placed us in our mother’s womb.


Purpose is the reason for creation.

The Holy Spirit “knows” The Purpose that God created each of us for;

It is His job to connect us “spiritually, mentally” together!

He knows what I got and He knows what you need.


As we Hear and Obey Him, He Will Guide Us To “Right Living”!

Sin prevents us from Hearing and Obeying The Holy Spirit.


Ask God to Bless You With A

“Mindset to Spend Time With Him”

And Watch What Happens!


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