Whose Commandment?

He answered an said unto them, Well hath Esaias prophesied of you hypocrites, as it is written, This people “honoureth me with their lips”, but “their heart (mind) is far from me”.  Howbeit “in vain” do they worship, teaching doctrines “the commandments of men”.  For laying aside “the commandment of God”, ye hold the “tradition” of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do.  And he said unto them, Full well “ye reject” “the commandment of God”, that “ye may keep your own tradition”.  (Mark 7:6-9)


Whose Commandment?


Our Daily Nugget 

is bringing to our attention a problem as old as traditions and religions.


Imagine a ship on a “raging and windy” ocean; “without a rudder” to guide it.  The ship will go wherever the “winds and waves” of life (demonic spirits) sends it.  By utilizing the rudder, the ship is able to “navigate” through the winds and the waves, staying steady on its course and arrive safely to its destination.


Our “destination” is always to “Love”; to Look Like Jesus!


The Rudder – The Word, Jesus, The Bible.

The Raging and Windy Ocean – Traditions, Religions, Man’s Way.

Hypocrite – A Pretender, An Actor Playing a Part.


Our Daily Nugget

leads to the question; “Whose Commandment”?

We are all raised in different environments, Catholic, Baptist, Atheist, Evangelical, Moslem, Jews, etc., everybody cannot be right in God’s sight.  Just as the mouth speaks what the mind (heart) is full of, so do our “actions” follow what we “believe”.


Do we “believe” (obey)

“God’s Commandments” or “Man’s Commandments”!


The Commandment We “Do” Is The One We “Believe”.


Each of the different environments listed above have “their own” set of traditions associated with their “religious practice”.  Our Daily Nugget is telling us that if man’s traditions and religions are first place in our minds (heart), over God’s Word and His Commandments, that our religion is “in Vain”.  Meaning, no good, not accepted by God.  God calls them “hypocrites”, pretenders, actors. 


God, Our Father,

will not allow us to “Belong” to Him, 

when we give our “Allegiance”, our “Love” to another.


God has told us that we are to have no other “god” before Him; He means this!


Salvation is “Only” available through The Word, The Bible.

We have been “warned” by God, that if our traditions and religions do not 

Follow The Bible”

that our traditions, and religions are in vain. 


When these religious practices and traditional observances become “primary” in our minds (heart), this is “rejection of God Commandments”!  This is how we make religion and tradition “Our god”.  


“Our god” cannot serve as a “rudder”!

If we try to use “Our god” as a rudder we will sink into the

 “winds and waves of life”.  

We’ll know when this occur because we will look and act just like the world.


Ask God to Bless You to Always Use The Word, The Bible, As Your 

“Rudder For Living”

And Watch What Happens! 





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