This Day!

 Give us “This Day” our daily bread.  (Matthew 6:11)



This Day!


Our Daily Nugget

is not asking God to give us bread for a week or for a month.

Our Daily Nugget is talking about “Spiritual Bread”, not “Physical Bread”.


Man does not Live by Bread alone, but by Every Word Spoking by God.


At the point of our Daily Nugget, Jesus had just finished given the people instructions on “How To Live as Kingdom Citizens”.  

Read Chapter five and six to get the fullness of Jesus’ message, which is all about

“Trusting God For Our Needs”, “One Day at a Time”.


We will trust the Word or the World for our daily bread!

The “Word” say, “do not” store up for yourself treasures on earth!

The “World” says, “do” store up for yourself treasures on earth!


If we don’t trust God for our needs, we will trust “Self” and our actions, to fill our needs, will show that we are trusting self instead of trusting God.  God wants us to trust “Him” not “The Things” He gives us.


It is wisdom to save; 

to “save” and to “store up for ourselves” are two different things.

God commands us to save.  God commands us to “not store up for ourselves”. 


God wants us to trust Him on a “Daily Basis” for our needs; 

not matter how much or how little we have.

By storing up what God has given us “only” for ourselves, 

so that we can have more for ourselves is “Not Pleasing To God”.


There is a story about a man in the Bible, whom was blessed with a really good year of production.  He had received “so much” till his barns was not big enough to house it all.  He said to himself, I will build bigger barns to house all my stuff.  His mind (heart) was never on “helping anyone”.  To help others is serving God.


Jesus came to this world to teach us to “Help”, not to “Hoard”!

The more we give, the more God gives to us!

If we love the world, this fact will not prompt us to give.

Additionally, we run the risk of making the things God gave us, “our god”.


This man was called a “fool”; God told him “This Day” “your life” will be required of you.  This man was all about self, never about serving God through doing for and helping others.  Our society and traditions teach us differently than what The Bible tells us to do.  God blesses people through people, he cannot bless people through “hoarders”.  


Wanting to “get more” to be able to “give more” is pleasing to God. 

Wanting to “get more” to be able to “have more” is not pleasing to God.


Naked we came into this world and naked we are going out of this world.

There are great “current blessings” from God for the ones who loves to give, 

and great “eternal blessing” in heaven for the ones who “gave”.

There are no eternal blessings for hoarders.


Living with Eternity in Mind, 

guides us to the wisdom to “never love the world or the things in it”.


Ask God to Bless You with the Wisdom to Pray for the Spirit of Giving.  

By God answering this prayer, He must first “Give to You, To have to Give”,

And Watch What Happens!


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