End The Drought - Let It Rain!

Now for a long season Israel hath been without the true God, and without a teaching priest, and without law.  But when they in their trouble “did turn” unto the Lord God of Israel, and “sought him”, “he was found” of them.  (II Chronicles 15:3&4)



End The Drought - Let It Rain!


God said that, 

if we seek Him, He will be found by us; but, if we forsake Him, He will forsake us!


Our Daily Nugget

is telling us about a long period of time that had gone by without Israel having the true God in their midst; they were without a teaching priest, and without law. The people had collected all kinds of idols (gods) unto themselves and had forsaken the True God.


God allowed the land to become a dangerous and bad place to live; people could not go out and return safely.  The Spirit of God came upon Azariah, and he spoke to King Asa, telling him that the people needed to discard the “idols” (gods) out from among them and commit to the True God.


The people were in a “Spiritual Drought”, due to disobedience!


The Bible says,

there is no peace for the wicked.

The people had become wicked and was eating its fruit, “no peace”.


Peace is precious!

Peace is one of those things that we don’t appreciate it until we do not have it!


Our Daily Nugget is giving us instructions on how to get the “peace” back.  God has caused much confusion in our land today.  Our nation has become a very dangerous place to live.  Our nation is filled with idols (gods).  We took God out of our schools and now our schools have become killing fields.  When the light leaves, darkness fills the void.  Anything and everything that we value above God is our idols (gods).


Our God is a very jealous God; He tolerates no rivals!

God punishes us when we consider anything more important to us then Him.


When a child acts up, Love, leads the father 

to put a belt on his butt, to teach him to “live between the lines of life”!

The Bible says, 

if you do not put a belt on his butt, that you do not Love him.


The people, in their trouble, “turned to the Lord”!

No matter what our dilemma is, if we turn to God, He will fix it.


How do we “Turn to The Lord”?

Start spending “time” with him; in prayer, bible reading, devotion, mediation on the word, “desiring” to please Him; turn away from sin and wrong doing.  Start loving (doing for) people.  Focus on living like Jesus.  Ask God to help you to turn to Him.


God would not create us and place us in a foreign land to fend for ourselves.

God’s son, our brother Jesus, is standing at the door of our hearts (mind), knocking, wanting to come into our minds and show us the way,

to the “abundant life”! 


We Have Got To Do It God’s Way!

The Word or The World?


Ask God to Bless You to

“Hear” & “Obey” His Holy Spirit, as He Directs Us,

And Watch What Happens!


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