Stand Between the Dead and the Living!

He “stood between” dead and the living, and the plaque stopped. 

(Numbers 16:48)



Stand Between the Dead and the Living!


God is looking for Kingdom Citizens to “stand” between the dead and the living!


God had become “fed up”

with the rebellion to his leaders, the finger pointing of the people, the sinning of the people.  Read all of chapter sixteen to get a clear picture of just how foolish the people had become.  Someone needed to stand between death and life for the people, as God was ready to destroy them all. This is what Jesus did for us.  We were lost in sin, foolishness, and unable to save ourselves.


Only the “righteous heart, mind,” 

are able to stand between death and life for the people; to bring them salvation!


Jesus was the righteous one who stood for us; as 

Kingdom Citizens, we are now to “stand” between death and life for one another.


In Our Daily Nugget,

Moses and Aaron were busy trying to get God to change His mind concerning destroying the people.  God had just killed with an earthquake, the group led by Korah, thousands of people, their families and all their possessions was swallowed up by the ground and the ground closed back and killed them all.


Seemingly, this should have been enough for the rest of the people to act right, but it didn’t.  Shortly after the earthquake, the other people rose to rebel against Moses and Aaron again.  God said I will destroy the rest of the people with a plaque. The plaque had killed over fourteen thousand people. 


Moses and Aaron “stood” between,

offered prayers of forgiveness, the dead and the living and God stopped the plaque!


The “Prayers” of the “Right Livers” “avail much”!


The sacrificial life and death of Jesus brought “salvation” to The World.

The sacrificial life and death of Moses and Aaron brought salvation to the people!

The sacrificial life and death that we live, will bring salvation to those around us!



There is a “time” for everything under the sun.

Our Daily Nugget is telling us about Moses’s and Aaron’s “time”!

The Bible says, in the “Fulness of Time”, God sent Jesus!

Today is “Our Time” to “stand” between “death” and “life”!


The sin filled heart, mind, cannot stand!


Committed hearts, minds, to “right living” is a requirement to “stand”!  Sin handicaps our ability to “take up our Cross and follow Jesus”.  It is not acceptable to sin, even though Jesus died for our sins.


The Bible says, there is no sacrifice for our sins, if we continue to sin after we have accepted Jesus as our Lord and Savior.  The commandment to Kingdom Citizens today is to “Love”!  Remember, Love is not a feeling, Love is action, doing.


Love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind and strength!

Love your neighbor as you love yourself!

To Love is to fully obey!


The life of the Kingdom Citizen is to look like the life of Jesus!


Ask God to Bless You to Look Like Jesus to a

“dark and dying world”,

And Watch What Happens!


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