How To Answer A Fool?

There is no good way to answer fools when they say something stupid.  If you answer them, then you too, will look like a fool.  If you don’t answer them, they will think they are smart.  (Proverbs 26:4&5)


How To Answer A Fool?


Fool - A silly or stupid person; a person who lacks judgment or sense.


Our Daily Nugget

let’s us know that there is no “good way” to answer a fool!


There is no shortage of fools in our society; we must interact with them.  According to our definition of a fool this includes a whole lot of people.  Some people are foolish, and some people who are not foolish, sometimes, do foolish things.  Fools have chosen to be “foolish” even though they think they are smart.


Since there is no 

“good way” 

to answer a fool, “what do you do when a fool says something stupid”?


Pray to God for “Wisdom” to deal “Wisely” with the fool.

If wisdom is not guiding our actions and reactions to a fool, we could easily end up in a much worst situation then they are in.  Foolishness presents itself in many forms and always lead to death and or destruction.  Fools find sweet rest, only after they have done foolishness.  Foolishness is contagious; do not hang around foolish people.


God, through Solomon tells us that, homes are made by the 

“wisdom” of women, and homes are destroyed by the “foolishness” of women.


The Title of our Daily Nugget is a question,

“How To Answer A fool”?


According to our scripture, to answer or not answer a fool is a no-win situation.  If you answer a fool, then you to will “look” foolish.  If you do not answer a fool, then they will think that they are smart.  It appears to be a “hopeless” situation.


Hope returns when we 


that the Lord’s unfailing love and mercy, still continues, as fresh as the morning, as sure as the sunrise; the Lord is all I have, so in Him I place my “Hope”!


Nothing is too hard for God,

even the ability to deal wisely with a fool.


Chapter twenty-six says a great deal about a fool.  The Bible says you must “beat a fool”.  A person who “thinks” they are wise, when they are not, are worse than a fool.  To step between two people arguing is foolish.  This chapter mixes in laziness with talk about a fool.  Showing “honor” to a fool is “like tying a rock in a sling”; senseless, bad judgement.


The things that fools consider important, 

does not make good sense; there judgement is impaired all the time.

The thinking of fools is led by 

“demonic spirits” whose only goal is to destroy the life and purpose of its “host”. 


Jesus, the Christ has set us from the “Demon of Foolishness”!

We must “walk” in this freedom; 

and not allow ourselves to become slaves again!


Ask God to Bless 

you with the wisdom to deal wisely with fools and foolishness, and to protect you from being a fool; as this could save you and your household, and

 Watch What Happens.


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