The First!

If the first piece of bread is offered to God, then the whole loaf is made holy. If the roots of a tree are holy, the tree’s branches are holy too.  (Romans 11:16)

Thou shall have no other God “before me”.  (Exodus 20:3)


The First!


If The God of Heaven and Earth

 is not “First in Our Life, Mind”, Then We Have Another “god”!


God demands and deserves First Place in our lives; if we do not place him in “first place”, He will have “no place” in our lives.  Order is critical to Salvation.  We cannot have it “our way”, it is either God’s Way or the Highway.


Whenever God is not first, Satan is!


Many of the issues and problems arise and continue in our lives because we refuse to place God First in our “decision making”, concerning the choices we must make in life.  When God is not first, Satan is.  Satan will never lead us in the right way.


Solomon instructs us to, 

“commit our works unto the Lord and our thoughts shall be established”.


Stated another way;

“trust” your actions and your transactions unto the Lord, “then”

your imagination, your ways of handling situations 

“will be”

erect, correct, and prosperous!


Correct Order Is Critical!

God First and “all” other things after Him!

God’s Salvation will not save us without the correct order.


All the people that God used to do His Work throughout the Bible, “always” placed God first.  God cannot use us if He is not first; there cannot be two first.  We either chose God or we chose Satan.  If we do not “know” what the Bible says, how can we know if our choice is right or wrong!  If we “do not know the Bible”, we will default to religion, tradition, our feelings, what we think, which has no saving power.


When we place God First, the Holy Spirit takes over from there!

The more of God’s Word, The Bible, we place in our Thinking Process (our mind), the more the Holy Spirit have to work with, to “bring to our remembrance”  when we need to make a choice concerning an issue.  Always remember, there are no gray areas in life for Kingdom People.  What would Jesus do?


Never “try” to figure things out,

simply Trust, Obey and Refuse To Do Wrong!


When we show God that we Trust Him 

by placing Him first, He commits himself to “save us”!


We must place God first over our dilemma! 

Worrying concerning our dilemma is evidence that we’re not trusting Him to save.

Pray until the worrying goes away.


To place Him first we must live by Faith and not by Sight!

God has before and He’ll do it again; He’ll move heaven and earth for us when we Place Him First!  Remember, nothing is too hard for God, and He loves us.


Never attempt to take advantage of God’s Love for us!


Ask God to Bless You With The Wisdom to 

“Place Him First Concerning All Things In Your Life”, and

Watch What Happens!


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