
The tongue can speak “words” that bring life or death.  Those who love to talk must be ready to accept what it brings.  (Proverbs 18:21)





The Bible say, be slow to speak; extremely wise advice.


The Mouth Speaks What The Heart, Mind is “Full Of”!

A woman said to a man, you don’t know what’s in my heart; the man said, I really do know what’s in your heart.  The woman asked, how do you know what’s in my heart?  The man answered, “you just told me”.


A Wise Prayer!

Let the “Words” of my mouth, and the “Meditation” of my ‘heart’

be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.(Psalms 19:14)


The words of our mouth are created by the meditations of our heart (mind).


The Meditation of My Heart (Mind)!

This is where the words we speak are formed.

The things we “think” on are the things in our heart (mind).

The things that are in our heart, mind leads to the “words” we speak.


When “anger” is in our heart (mind), our Words will reflect that.

When “joy” is in our heart (mind), our Words will reflect that.

We “choose” that which goes into our heart (minds).

The mouth speaks what the heart (mind) is full of.


Solomon told us to be 

careful what we think, for through our thinking, “we set” the boundaries of our life.


We control “what” we “think”; then, what we think controls us and our Words.

We can turn our life around from going the wrong way as soon as we 

“change our focus”.  This will lead us to using the right words.


Words from “wise” people 

are like water bubbling up from a deep well-the well of wisdom.

Words from “foolish” people 

hurt themselves when they speak.  Their own words trap them.



When the “meditations” of our heart (mind) is acceptable to God, the things we think on leads to life.  Meditation is thinking.  When our words are wise, that is evidence that we are “thinking”, meditating on the right things.  When our words are foolish, that is evidence that we are “thinking”, meditating on the wrong things.


The Bible says that whatever we want, to ask God for it.

Ask God to Bless you to “Think Right”, which leads to the “Right Words”.


Pride will say to me, “You Already Know How To Think Right”.

Do not listen to pride, it has never served you will in the past and it will not serve you well today or any day.  Pride today leads to a fall tomorrow.


Our “State” today is due to the Words spoken yesterday!

If you do not like your “state” today; 

change your Words today, and your “state” tomorrow will be different.

Our life follows our focus!


Ask God to Bless you to 

“Think”, “Meditate” on things that leads to “Life” and the “Right Words”,

And Watch What Happens!


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