Why Lie?

                                                                         Why Lie?


People “chose” to lie for many different reasons.

All the reasons have one thing in common, they obeyed the demonic spirit.


So, Sarah laughed silently, “A woman my age have a baby?”  She scoffed to herself, “And with a husband as old as mine?”  Then God said to Abraham, “Why did Sarah laugh?  Why did she say, ‘Can an old woman like me have a baby?’  Is “anything too hard for God?”  Next year, just as I told you, I will certainly see to it that Sarah has a son.”  But Sarah denied it.  “I didn’t laugh,” she lied, for she was afraid.  Genesis 18:12-15)


Sarah laughed silently at the idea that a woman in her nineties would become pregnant, but the angel knew she laughed, her laugh was due to doubt. The Spirit World knows everything about the Physical World.  The angel did not physically hear here laugh.  The angel saw and heard her laugh in His Spirit and called her out.


It is through the Spirit that “We Are All Connected”.


Sarah lied because she was “afraid”!

The “fear” of being found out is a major reason we choose to lie.


Always remember, “There Is No Such Thing As A Secret”.

Trusting God is “obedience” to the Holy Spirit and God’s Word, the Bible.


Faith and Fear “cannot” occupy the same place at the same time.


Abraham exercised Faith; Sarah exercised Fear!

Faith will always lead us to accept and believe The Word.

Fear will always lead us to doubt and reject The Word, unbelief.


God said, “liars” will not inherit The Kingdom.

No matter what it “look like”, it is never bad enough to “lie”.

Telling the Truth leads to “Life”, telling lies will lead to “Death”.


God has always done what we consider amazing, out of the norm; this is how we are “peculiar people”; different from the normal or average.  We do not consider ourselves better, nor do we consider anyone else worse, but we are “peculiar and saved”.  We are Kingdom Citizens, Ambassadors of “I Am”, sent from God to earth with “A Purpose”.  God has provided us with all we need to Live Our Purpose”.


Few great things are ever done with the confines of the accepted norm.

Expect the spectacular from God!


We Must

“Trust God to Fulfill” ‘Every’ “Word He Has Spoken”. To fully accept what The Word says is evidence of our “Trust”; to “doubt” The Word is evidence of “Unbelief”.


When we Trust God, we have “No Desire nor Need to Lie”.

The need to lie, is a lie, from the demonic spirit that what God said is not true.


Kingdom Citizens trust God and we know that Faith and Fear cannot dwell together.  Exercising our Faith is a form of resisting the devil.  The Word instructs us that when we resist the devil that the devil “will flee” from us.


Liars are always found out.

Lying to one another is a “death nail” to “Unity and Harmony”.


Ask God to Bless You with the Wisdom to Fully Trust Him, this will lead You to

“Never Have A Desire or Sense You Have A Need To Lie”, And

Watch What Happens.


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