Cast The First Stone!

                                                                Cast The First Stone!


They “all” walked away, the older walked away first!

Not one of them could cast the first stone; not one of us can cast the first stone.


But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not.  So, when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, “let him cast the first stone”.  (John 8:6&7)


Grace and mercy are what we all need and want.

Therefore, grace and mercy are what we all should “quickly and abundantly give”; remember, that which we give will come back to us multiplied, looking like itself.


Our Daily Nugget

is exposing a demonic spirit that leads us to understand like this. 

The law for you, grace, and mercy for me!  God does not allow it to work like this.

We cannot justify our sin and wrongdoing by saying “the Lord knows my heart”, He does, and that ought to “scare the hell out of you”.


To cast the first stone at another, is casting the first stone at ourselves.

Why were these people “so ready” to punish this woman for her sin by stoning her to death, when they had committed great sins worthy of death also?  Beware of this demonic spirit. It is alive and active today.


If I can keep everybody focused on the sin and wrong you are doing, nobody

will pay attention to the sin and wrong, I am doing. God Does know and see it.


God is the “Only Righteous Judge”.

the grace and mercy we apply to others is what God will apply to us.


Ask God to Bless You With The Wisdom

to “Give to Others” what you would like “Given to You”,

And Watch What Happens!


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