Bless Yourself, "Be Merciful"!

                                                    Bless Yourself, “Be Merciful”!


Give and “it” shall be given unto you; “even mercy”! 


The merciful man doeth good to his own soul: but he that is cruel troubleth his own soul.  (Proverbs 11:17)


Whatever you want in life “give it”, for “it” is coming back, even mercy.

Pressed down, shaken together, running over, shall people be merciful to you.


Cruel –  Inhuman; barbarous; savage; causing pain, grief, or distress, vexing or afflicting.  Cursed be their wrath, for it was cruel. (Genesis 44)

Merciful – Forgiveness or withholding punishment.


To be Merciful is “Obedience to the Holy Spirit”.

To be Unmerciful is “Disobedience to the Holy Spirit”.


Our Daily Nugget is Solomon giving us some more of his Wisdom.

To make a person “pay” is our natural state of heart/mind; this is a desire of the Old Creature when we are wronged or perceived a wrong was done to us.  An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, is the Old Creature’s way of dealing with people.  If we all did this, everybody would be blind and toothless.  For us all to make it, we need to be merciful one to another.  We all live in glass houses, being merciful one to another, assures us that we will not “throw rocks at each other’s house”.


Those who have “been forgiven”, “forgives”!

If you cannot forgive, “Run to The Cross”, quickly!

A ”Selfish Spirit” will not allow its “Host” to be Merciful.

New Creatures are “Merciful”, Old Creatures are “Not Merciful”!

The merciful man has a contented spirit, the unmerciful man does not.

If you “refuse” to be “merciful”, your heart/mind is controlled by a demonic spirit.


Ask God to Bless You To Be Merciful and Eat It’s Fruit.

Blessing Your Soul and Your Household, With 

“A Contented” and “A Peaceful” “Spirit”.

And Watch What Happens!


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