


Anybody that is Twisted is “Out of Order” and “Useless to God”!


My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this:  Everyone should be “quick to listen” and “slow to speak” and “slow to become angry”, because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires.  (James 1:19-20)


Out of Control Tongues are Twisted! 

The Correct Order “Untwists” The Situation!

Be Slow to Speak and Quick to Listen – Not Quick to Speak and Slow to Listen!


Our Daily Nugget is telling us to 

“Button It”, “Control Our Mouth”, this will “Please God”!

Oftentimes, “Fear” is the foundation of a “Out of Control Mouth”!

God is against and is not pleased with a “Run Away – Out of Control Mouth”!

The World teaches us to “beat them to death with the tongue”; God’s Word say no.


All the first Book of James is giving examples of how New Creatures, Kingdom Citizens is supposed to Live “According to the Bible”.  Living according to religions and traditions “is not” Living according to the Bible.  New Creatures, Kingdom Citizens “Must” place the Bible “Ahead of All Religions and Traditions”.  If we don’t, we run the risk of religions and traditions being our “god”!  This “Will Make God Jealous”; no one in their “Right Mind” wants to make God jealous.


Life and Death is in “The Power of the Tongue”!

Being slow to speak and quick to listen, leads to Life.

Being quick to speak and slow to listen, “will” lead to death.


Much of our life situations today, good, and bad can, in many cases, be traced directly back to our mouth.  When we refuse to control our mouth, we “teach our children” to have “Out-of-Control Mouths”, remember, the out-of-control mouth leads to death.  The Out-of-Control mouth are like “dead people walking”.  Dead people walking leads other people to become dead people walking; “zombies”.  God holds us responsible.  God punishes us in “many different ways”.


Ask God to Bless You With the Wisdom to Be

Slow to Speak and Quick to Listen; thus, Bringing Life and Light; with Our Words

And Watch What Happens!


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