Rude - Love is not Rude!

                                                    Rude – Love is Not Rude!


Rudeness – A “Little Person’s Imitation of Power”!


Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or “rude”.  It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing but rejoices with the truth.  ( 1 Corinthians 13:4-8a)


God is Love!  Love/God is “Not Rude”!  Satan is “Rude”!


Rude – To behave in a way that is improper, indecent, disgraceful, shameful or that brings reproach.


What Motivates a Kingdom Citizen to be Rude?

Everything we do, say, or think; is led by our Thinking Process our “Heart/Mind”!


To be rude is evidence of obedience to the demonic spirit.  Situations does not make anyone act rudely.  We act rudely because we determined in our thinking process that being rude was the best way to act or to react to a situation.  The Holy Spirit would never lead a Kingdom Citizen to act rudely.


Being Rude is a weakness, not a strength!  Being Rude are like planting “seeds” that will grow and produce division, hate, anger, resentment, mistrust, evil, wickedness, etc.  These bad qualities affect the person who is rude and their households.  Our spouse and children can pay a price for our being rude.  Being rude will bring evil into your household.


We can be Rude, or we can be Kind; We Chose!

The Holy Spirit tells us to be Kind.  The demonic spirit tells us to be Rude!

We will Obey the One that we’ve “Focused our Attentions On”! The mouth speaks and the body acts based on what we have filled our Thinking Process, our Heart/Mind, with.  Our choices are The Word (The Bible) or The World (Traditions).


To be Kind leads to Life; to be Rude leads to death!

Ask God to Bless You With the Wisdom 

To Be Kind and Not Rude; And

Watch What Happens!


Correction “Thy Kingdom Come”, 01/19/24 – Stated: “prayer and fasting moves the dimmer switch down”.  Corrected “prayer and fasting moves dimmer switch up”.


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