Crucified With Christ!

                                                           Crucified With Christ!


If I Live it is for Christ! If I Die it is for Christ!


I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.  The life I now live in the body, I live by “Faith” in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.  (Galatians 2:20)


Have You “Crucified Self”?

Are You Living in You, or is Christ Living in You?

To Live for Self leads to death, to Live for Christ leads to Life!

Our “Crucifixion” starts in the “Heart/Mind” and “Shows” itself in our “Living”!


Crucify – To put someone to death by nailing them or binding them to a “Cross”!

               This someone is the person we see when we look in the mirror.


Jesus said that there is a Cross for everyone, He also said that if we are not willing to “take up our Cross” and follow Him, then we are not worthy of Him. Our Cross and our Purpose “Walk Together”!  We see this plainly in the life of Joseph.  Joseph went from the least in the prisons of Egypt, to second in command of the whole nation of Egypt; but he had to carry His Cross of the prison and nearly twenty years of wrongs being done to him.  His Cross did lead to “Life Abundantly”.


Our Daily Nugget

is Paul explaining to the people and to us that we must now, as New Creatures, “focus” on what Christ wants us to do above what we want us to do.  This is “Crucifying Self”.  We must crucify self “before” we can Live for Christ.  Living for Christ is “Love”, not Living for Christ is “Noise”!


To Live for Christ “Requires that we Live by Faith”!

Living by Faith gives us the ability to “Quench Each One of the Devil’s Efforts” to get us to walk in disobedience to God’s Word, the Bible.  The Bible says it is “Impossible to Please God without Faith”.


Ask God to Bless you with a 

“Burning Desire to Die to Self”, that you might “Live for Him.”

And Watch What Happens!


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