The "Worship" that God Wants!

                                                     The “Worship” that God Wants!


“Biblical Worship” is all about “Doing for Others” and “Living Holy”! 


The “Worship” that God wants is this:  Caring for orphans or widows who need help and keeping yourself free from the world’s evil influence.  (James 1:27)


This type of worship is “Love”.

Some Bibles translates worship with religion.

God Wants “Everybody to be Okay” and to “Live Right”!


How Do You “Worship”?

God is All About “Doing for Us”.  We should be all about “Doing for Others”.

When everybody is all about doing for others, that is when everybody will be okay.


Loving, giving, doing, sharing, caring, these are the things that makes life beautiful and pleasant for everybody; especially the ones who can’t do for themselves.  This is the way Jesus Worshipped.  The Churches of today call worship service going to the church house, where there’s singing, praying, preaching.  This is how we assemble together .


Biblical Worship occurs outside the walls of the church house.  Biblical Worship is meeting the needs of people and keeping oneself “free” from the world’s evil influence.  We Can and Must “Live Holy”! We can exercise Biblical Worship anytime we chose to.  The Living Holy part of Biblical Worship occurs all our waken moments, it is a Lifestyle, an automatic mentality.


Our Living Will Follow Our Thinking!  

Therefore, Biblical Worship starts in our Thinking Process, our Heart/Mind.


We will not be able to Practice Biblical Worship,

“Preaching Jesus” while “Living like Satan”.

Beware of “selfishness and greed”.


Biblical Worship requires us to give of that which we have. If we love the world and the things in it, we will not give from what we havewe will need to keep it for self.


Ask God to Bless You to Practice Biblical Worship

And Watch What Happens!


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