Best Efforts.

                                                                      Best Efforts.


Even our Best Efforts are like Filthy Rags Before God.


When we put on our most prized robes of “righteousness”, we find they are but filthy rags. (Isaiah 64:6)

But thou, O man of God, flee these things; and follow after “righteousness”, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness.  (1 Timothy 6:11)


But “God Still Wants Our Best Efforts”.

Our Best Efforts are “Due To” what’s going on in our “Heart/Mind”.

Our Worst Efforts are “Due To” what’s going on in our “Heart/Mind”.

We can and would be wise to “Control” what goes on in our “Heart/Mind”.

That which is going on in our Heart/Mind, determines what we Do and Don’t Do.


Our Daily Nuggets 

are telling us two things: 1.  Even if we just accomplished great acts of doing good, what we just did was like filthy rags before God.  2.  We should “flee” the things God hates, and “follow after” the things God Loves.  


NOTE:  The things that God Loves all has to do with “Our Loving One Another”.

REMEMBER:  Jesus Paid “It All”.  Enjoy Life as a Kingdom Citizen and “Love”.


God is Holy “Beyond Our Ability to Consider His Holiness”.

God’s Ways are far above our ways, just as “Night is from Day”.


The Life of the Kingdom Citizen is not about how much or little we sin, it is about “Becoming Who We Are”, in Christ.  The more we Become Who We Are, the More Good Deeds we will do to and for one another; the more we will look and live like Kingdom Citizens.   


Life Looks More and More Differently as we “Mature in Christ”, Kingdom Citizens Living like this brings Great Joy and Pleasure to God.  God can Rejoice that He created us, and the Holy Spirit is not grieved; as “He is Required to Stay With Us”; even when we are very ugly and unnice. 


Our God is So Good to Us 

that even if we had a thousand tongues, we couldn’t Thank Him enough; But Try. 


Pray that You Put Forth Your Best Efforts Today,

And Watch What Happens.


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