The "Rod of Correction"!

                                                         The “Rod of Correction”!


To “Spare” the Rod is to “Ruin” the Child.


Foolishness (mischief) is bound in the heart (mind) of a child; but the Rod Of Correction “shall” drive it far from him.  (Proverbs 22:15)

Those who “spare the rod of discipline hate their children”.  Those who “love their children care enough to discipline them”. (Proverbs 13:24)


Foolish Children Grows Into Foolish Adults.

It is the Job of the Parents to Drive Foolishness out of the Heart/Mind of the Child.


God Knows Best For His Creation!

To Spare the Rod is a form of Child Abuse.

Mischievousness is Bound in the heart/mind of a child.

The Rod of Correction drives Mischief out of the Heart/Mind of The Child!

The Child Learns Discipline, Now The Child can Live Between the Lines of Life.


Foolishness – Lack of good sense or judgment, stupidity.  Lacks wisdom.

Mischievousness – Rottenness, corruption, nuisance, depravity, or disturbance.

Both definitions easily support this truth; we’re born in sin and shaped in iniquity.


Our Daily Nugget makes it plain, the parent who does not utilize the Rod of Correction to instill, respect, courtesy, caring, sharing, restraint, etc. in their child, “Hates Their Children”; it doesn’t matter how we “feel” about our children; it matters what we do.  There are many attitudes and understandings around the Rod of Correction, just like there are many ways to do anything, but there is only A Way to do the Right Thing.  For the Kingdom Citizen, the A Way is found in the Bible.


There is a way which seems right, but it leads to death.  A Society where the Rod of Correction has been “Spared” is what we’ve got in the United States.  Our government has labelled the Rod of Correction as corporal punishment and has made it illegal.  When prayer was in our schools, along with the Rod Of Correction in the school and at the home, all this death, murder, and slaughter was not.  The darkness and the light cannot occupy the same place at the same time.  When the light leaves, darkness fills the void.  A real lack of “respect” is a sure sign the darkness has come.


Ask God to Bless You To Train Up your children Utilizing the 

Rod of Correction and not to Hate them by Sparing the Rod of Correction.

And Watch What Happens.


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