Between The Ears!

                                                                 Between The Ears!


The Place Where Everything Starts! 


By the “Word of the Lord” the heavens were made, and by the “Breadth of His Mouth” all their hosts.  (Psalms 33:6)

You brood of vipers, how can you who are evil “say” anything good?  For the mouth speaks “what the heart (mind) is full of”.  A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him.  (Matthew 12:34-35)


God gives us Control of our life through Thinking.

Our Words Starts “Between Our Ears”, through Thinking.

The Mouth Speaks “What” we have Filled our Heat/Minds With.

Everything Starts in the “Unseen”, the “Spirit World”, “Between the Ears”.


Man is not what he Thinks he is, man is “What” “He Thinks”.  What we Think is the sum of what we have consumed through our eyes and ears. Everything has a Starting Place and an Ending Place.  The Heavens, its Host, started in the Word of God and by the Breadth of his Mouth.


Our Daily Nugget 

is All About “Thinking”; as to How God Thinks and How we should Think!

Thinking is critical, therefore learn to Think Right; ask God, He will Teach you.


The Words that come from God’s Mouth and the Words that come from Our Mouths, are “The Fruit”, “The Sum” of our Thinking Process, our Heart/Mind.  Rather the fruit is good or bad is based on the quality of the raw materials we allowed into our Heart/Mind, our Thinking Process.  It’s the “quality” of the things we have been listening to, or watching, or Thinking about.  


Thinking – The Best Blessing, next to Salvation, we can receive from God.

Through Thinking we set “The boundaries of our Life”.  The Bible says that “we can do ‘all things’ through Christ who strengthens us”.  If you believe “it”, you can do “it”.  If you don’t believe “it”, you can’t do it.  Ask God to Bless your Belief and to save you from your “unbelief”.  If we do not believe, God’s Power will not work for us; if we do believe we will see God’s Power bring Salvation.


Ask God to Bless you to fill your Heart/Mind with His Word, the Bible.

And Watch the Salvation over Dilemmas in Your Life!


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