Empty Words.

                                                                   Empty Words.


Empty Words leads to Death!


But I tell you that everyone will have to “give an account” on the day of judgement for “every empty word” they have spoken.  (Matthew 12:36)


Our Words are the “Fruit” of our Thinking Process, or Heart/Mind.

Our “Words” will lead to Life or Death, and we will be Judged for them!


Our Daily Nugget 

is Jesus letting the people and us know that we must be careful that our words are not “Empty Words”; as we must explain to God why we used Empty Words. 


God has given our Words “Creative Ability”, like His Words.  He holds us responsible for every word we speak, because our words will help or hurt, create life or death, for the hearers thereof.  This is why “gossip”, which are words that leads to death, is such a dangerous sin.  Gossip is “empty words”; resist the temptation to gossip.


Empty – Lacking “meaning” or “sincerity”.  Nothing, vain.


Wisdom says, “Take time to ‘ponder’ the words you are going to speak”.  See the end of your words before you began to speak your words.  This is also obedience to the scripture that says, “be slow to speak and quick to listen”.  Once a word is spoken, we cannot bring it back; it will proceed to create life or death for the hearers thereof.


Let people finish speaking their words, before you respond with your words. Do not interrupt people. To interrupt a person before they finish speaking their words is foolishness and sin.  Don’t be in a hurry to say something; Think First.


God requires “Sincerity” and “Truth” from us.  Our Daily Nugget is letting us know that what we say, does not end when we finish speaking.  Those words go on to produce life or death for those who hear.


Wise Words produce Blessings from God for the Speaker.

Empty Words produce Curses and Punishment from God for the Speaker.


Keep Your Anger in Check!  

Ask God to Bless You to use Wise Words, as 

They Produce Life for You and your household and Watch What Happens!


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