Jeremiah Wept.

                                                                   Jeremiah Wept.

                                            Why Did Jeremiah Weep?


My grief is beyond healing; my heart (mind) is broken.  Listen to the weeping of my people; it can be heard all across the land.  Has the Lord abandoned Jerusalem?  The people ask.  Is her King no longer there?  Oh, why have they provoked my anger with their “carved idols” and “their worthless foreign gods”?  Says the Lord.  (Jeremiah 8:18-19)


Jeremiah Wept because he “Could See” the Destiny of the People!


Jeremiah Weeps for Sinful Judea.  God requires “Sincerity and Truth”!  

Thou shall have “No Other ‘god’ Before Me”!  Judea had other gods before God, just like the United States.  As a Christian do you put your Faith in God, or in the “Manipulation of the Political Process?  Which is Your god or God; which one do you depend on?  Our political process is “demonic”, it leaves God out. Placing our Faith and Trust in it is evidence of making it, “our god”.  The God of Heaven and Earth brings destruction to a people who chooses a “god” over Him.


Do we “Weep” for Sinful United States?

Or do we place our Faith in Manipulating the Political Process?


Committed hearts/minds can See Spiritual Things that uncommitted hearts/minds cannot see.  The Spirit World controls the physical world.  The people were reaping the fruit that comes to people who have “carved idols and worthless foreign gods”.  This makes the God of Heaven and Earth Jealous.  A jealous God is a very dangerous God to the one who makes Him jealous.  Don’t let this be you!


The things that made God jealous then, are the same things that we are using to make God Jealous Today, idols and foreign gods, aka., money, political parties, stuff, deception, manipulation.  A Good Father, “will not” spare the rod on a rebellious child.  God loves the United States, but the United States is a rebellious nation/child, that needs the Rod of Correction from a Loving God, for we refuse to repent and be saved.  God knows and we know if We Trust “idols” or if we “Trust Him”.


                               Our God would rather forgive than punish. 

           Because He is a Good Father, He will punish a disobedient child/nation.  

        This punishment is for the child’s/nation’s benefit, and it is for God’s Glory!


Ask God to Bless You to make  sure

that the person in your mirror has no foreign gods; and Watch What Happens.


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