As You Did "IT"!

                                                                    As You Did “IT”!


As You Love or Hate, you Shall Be Loved or Hated!


“Give and ‘IT’ shall be given unto you”.  A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap.  For with the measure you use, “it will be measured to you”.  (Luke 6:38)


You Caused the Good and You Caused the Bad!


Our Daily Nugget 

is letting us know that “whatever we give”, “IT” shall be given back to us; in much greater proportion than what we gave.  Rather we want “IT” or not does not matter, “IT” will be poured into our laps.  God is a God of “Equal Weights and Equal Measures”, and He has placed His Seed Principle in everything, including Love and Hate, Good and Bad, Given and Receiving. 


We cannot get away with doing right nor wrong.  We will reap blessings or curses for our actions.  Our “Thinking” guides “What We Give” and “What We Don’t Give”!  The more I “Think” about Loving God and Loving You, the more I will do good things to and for you.  The less I Think about Loving God and Loving You, the fewer good things I will do for you.


Satan does not like me, nor you and he never wants us to do anything good for one another, only bad.  Satan knows that everything we do, say, or think, is like a seed planted in life and will produce back to us what we planted, looking like itself, multiplied.  We bless ourselves or we curse ourselves and our households based on what we do and don’t do.


Through Our Ability to Think, 

God has placed us in the driver’s seat of Our Life and the Life of our households!

To keep our minds stayed on Jesus is key to keeping us from Loving the World and the things in the world.  Selfishness is birth from our loving the world.  A selfish spirit will not permit us to “Give” good things.


Ask God to Bless You With the Wisdom to Give Because You Love

And Watch What Will Be Given Back To You and to Your Household!


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