


What Defiles the Body?


Again, Jesus called the crowd to him and said, Listen to me, everyone, and understand this.  Nothing outside a person can defile them by going into them (in their mouths).  Rather, it is what comes out of a person (out of their mouths, their words) that defiles them.  (Mark 7:14-15)


To Use “Our Words” instead of “God’s Words” “Defiles Our Bodies”!

Defiled Bodies are not allowed into the Kingdom of God on Earth nor in Heaven.


Our Daily Nugget

is Mark letting the people and us know that our bodies are defiled by what we “Think About”.  We are “What We Think”, we are not what we “Think we are”.  The things we Think about will come out of our mouths; what comes out of our mouths defiles us.  Solomon said, be careful “what” you think, for through our thinking, “we set the boundaries of our life”, life or death, heaven or hell.


Our Heart/Mind, Thinking, leads us to life or death; to be defiled or clean.

The people defiled themselves through their Faith in “Religion and Tradition”.  Their Faith guided what “came out of their mouths”.  We know what is in each person “heart/mind” because we tell each other.  


When our words speak life (unity, peace, harmony, oneness) this is the evidence that our bodies are clean.  When our words speak (division, hate, separation, no accommodating) this is evidence that our bodies are defiled.  When we fill our heart/minds with “The Light” of God’s Word “The Darkness of Our Words” will flee from us.  God’s Words is The Bible, our  words are our “religions and traditions”.  


The Heart/Mind that make man’s rules (religion and tradition) more important than God’s Rules have deified that body!  God’s Rules say “Seek Ye First The Kingdom and Right Living” and You Will Not Defile Jesus’ Body.  All who belong to Christ has “sold Themselves” to Jesus for Salvation.  Therefore, this body that is carrying me around now belongs to Jesus and Jesus gives us clear instructions on what to allow His Body to consume.  Jesus calls us hypocrites when we place religion and traditions ahead of His Word, The Bible.


Ask God to Bless You with the wisdom to keep Jesus’ Body 

Clean By “Continuously Sanitizing” our Heart/Mind With God’s Word, The Bible

And Watch What Happens.


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