Mercy Triumphs Judgment.

                                                       Mercy Triumphs Judgment.


Judgment is for “The Merciless” Ones!

For judgment is without mercy to one who has shown no mercy.   Mercy triumphs over judgment.  (James 2:13)

Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.  (Matthew 5:7)

Let us then “with confidence” draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace “to help” “in time of need”.  (Hebrews 4:16)


Be Merciful Today to Receive Mercy Tomorrow!

No one can stand with God’s Judgment, “We All Need Mercy”!


Grace – Free, underserved Favor from one to another.

Judgment – To decide, give a verdict, declare an opinion. 

Merciful -  Willing to be kind to and forgive people who are in your power.


With Grace comes Confidence to “Stand on God’s Word” in the face of All Dilemmas; this is called “Faith”.  God’s Grace on our lives produces courage to Live Right in a Wrong World.  Judgement is coming to all, as we all are guilty, and standing in need of God’s Mercy to escape God’s Judgment. 


We All “Owe Debts” that we “Cannot Pay”!

Sometimes we might become tired of being Merciful and determine that the day has come for us to stop “being merciful” and for the person receiving the mercy to just “hit it”.  I ask, at what point do you want God to stop being merciful to you?  God stops when we stop.


Never Become Weary in Well-Doing.

The point you become weary in being merciful to others, God will become weary in being merciful to you.  Yesterday I was in need and wanted people to be merciful to me; today I have all I need and more and now I am “tired of being merciful” and I have forgotten the “joy and gladness” that came to me when others were merciful to me.


To Forget the “Sweetness and Joy” 

of receiving mercy is almost a call to be in position to Need Mercy Again.

To refuse to give mercy leads God to withdraw the mercy He has shown to us.


Ask God to Bless You with the Desire and Wisdom to Be Merciful Always,

And Watch What Happens!


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