


To What or To Whom?


It is I who made the earth and created man on it.  (Isaiah 45:12)

I have sworn by myself, “The Word” is gone out of “My Mouth” in righteousness and shall not return, “That unto ‘ME’ every knee shall bow”, every tongue shall swear. (Isaiah 45:23)


Devotion and Patriotism Walk Together.

Kingdom Citizens are Patriotic to “The Word, The Bible”, to “The King”!


The King of the Kingdom only permits His Citizens to be Patriotic, Devoted, to Him.  In our society today there are many expressing their “patriotism, devotion”, to political parties or causes.  Be careful that this patriotism, devotion, does not become your “god”.  If it does, it will make you an Enemy of God.  


Patriotism that leads one away from “Loving Your Neighbor” is not from God and it is demonic.  Love is from God; it is supreme over all religions and traditions and patriotisms.  A man was patriotic to the United States, then the man moved to South Africa and now he is a citizen of South Africa; what will become of his patriotism to the United States.  What will God say to him?  


There are no rewards in Heaven for a Kingdom Citizen being Patriotic to a Country nor to a worldly cause.  Patriotism is not Good nor Bad on its own. Any, and all patriotism that guides us differently from God’s Word, the Bible, has “Become Our god”.  That makes “God” our enemy.


Devotion – Love, loyalty, or enthusiasm for a person, activity, or cause. 

Patriotic – Having or expressing “devotion to” and “vigorous support for” one’s

                 country or “something”.


God Demands that we have “No Other ‘god’ Before Him”.

Anything that causes division among brothers is sent by Satan.  Satan is a master of deception and presents himself as a good thing.  God’s Salvation requires our Patriotism, Devotion to Him alone; He Tolerates No Rivals.


Ask God to Bless You With the Desire and Wisdom

To Love the Lord and to Love Your Neighbor above your Patriotism to Country,

And Watch How You Love Your Neighbor.


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