The Fruit of Adultery!

                                                            The Fruit of Adultery!


There is the Adulterer and the Adulteress.


For a prostitute will bring you to poverty, but sleeping with another man’s wife will cost you your life.  (Proverbs 6:26)


Your Life - The Price Adultery Charges!


Adultery starts between our ears in our heart/mind through a form of Thinking that we call “fantasying”.  Our life or our death follows our focus.  To “see” is one thing, to “look” is another.  To keep our eyes fixed and focused on God’s Word, the Bible, is protection from the demon of adultery.


We control what we think, then what we think control us.

Adultery don’t just happen, it is wrong, but it is never just a mistake.  It doesn’t matter how “common” adultery is, it is always very destructive and a disregard for God’s Command.  We do not commit adultery because we are weak, we commit adultery because we “chose to”.  Adultery is using our spouses’ body to have sexual intercourse with someone other than our spouse.  Our bodies belong to our spouse.


Look at what scripture says about Adultery.

They’ll (your Father’s commands) protect you from the promiscuous women, from the seductive talk of some temptress.  Don’t lustfully “fantasize” on her beauty, nor be taken in by her bedroom eyes.  You can buy an hour with a prostitute for a loaf of bread, but a promiscuous woman “may well eat you alive”.  Can you build a fire in your lap and not burn your pants?  Can you walk barefoot on hot coals and not get blister?  It is the same when you have sex with you neighbor’s wife:  Touch her and you’ll pay for it.  No excuses.  Hunger is no excuse for a thief to steal; when he is caught, he has to pay it back, even if he has to “put his whole house in hock”.  Adultery is a “brainless act”, soul-destroying”, self-destructive; Expect a bloody nose, a black eye, and a reputation ruined for good. For jealousy detonates rage in a cheated husband; wild for revenge, he won’t make allowances.  Nothing you say or pay will make it right; neither bribes nor reason will satisfy him.  (Proverbs 6:24-35) 

No one likes the “Fruit of Adultery”; but they all “Must Eat It”!


Ask God to Bless You to “Remember” 

that Adultery, like all sin, is committed firstly, against God and the wage of sin is death; the price of which no on is willing to pay, but all who indulge in it will pay.

Everyone who commits adultery, they and their households will pay!


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