Call On Him.

                                                                    Call On Him.


When We Call On His Name.


God is our “refuge and our strength”, “a very present help” in trouble.  “Therefore” we will not fear.  (Psalms 46:1-2)


Who Can Stand Against Us, “When We Call On His Name!


Our God is “Quicker Than Right Now”, that’s very present, and He Loves us, “Beyond Measure”.  But We Need To Call On Him.  He knows what we need before we call, But we need to Call On Him.  The Greater our “intensity” in The Call, the Greater is His “Intensity” in Answering our call.  After the call, consider it “already done”, and never doubt.


Refuge – A condition of being safe or sheltered from pursuit, danger, or trouble.

Strength – A place or means of safety, protection refuge, or stronghold.

Don’t fear, “Just Call and Watch What Happens”.


To fear is to be afraid concerning our circumstances or current environment.  Any darkness chasing us must stop, once we get to our “Refuge”.  When we go out, our “Refuge” becomes our “Strength” against the darkness.  We need not yield to temptation because our Strength against temptation is “with us”.  The road to our Refuge is “Between our Ears”, through Thinking.  Correct Thinking leads us To Call.


When our Strength is “With Us”, He is a “Partner” in Everything we do.


God has always provided “Refuge” for His children; look at this scripture.  And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, Speak to the people of Israel and say to them, When you cross the Jordan into the land of Canaan, then you shall select cities to be “Cities of Refuge” for you, that the manslayer who kills any person “without intent” may flee there.  (Numbers 35:9-11).


The City of Refuge is God showing us His Mercy by giving us a place or means for rest and safety, due to the wrongs we have done “without intent”.  The Bible tells us that God is Not Mocked, which means we cannot use God’s Mercy as a “License to Sin” and “do wrong”.  God tells us that “we will reap what we sow”.  If we sow in the spirit, we reap life, if we sow in the flesh, we reap death.


Ask God to Bless Us to be “A Refuge For One Another”, when 

“We Call On Each Other”,

and Watch the Harmony, Gladness, Joy, and Unity it brings!


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