


When “Nothing” is “Enough”.


Keep your lives free from the “Love of Money” and “Be Content” with what you have, because God has said, “I will never leave you; never will I forsake you.”  (Hebrews 13:55)

Therefore, put to death what belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desire, and “greed”, “which is idolatry”.  (Colossians 3:5)


Christians and our Capitalistic System.

Greed is idolatry, which is “The Worship of False Gods”.

People all over the world want to come to America, “The Land of Get Mo”.


Greed – “Intense” and “Selfish” desire for something, especially “wealth”, power, 

   or food.


A heart/mind that is “Not Content” with what they have are “Vulnerable Prey” for the Demon for Greed.  When does it go from working to earn a living to Greed?  When nothing is enough, we will do most anything to “get mo.”  Love goes out the door.


Our Daily Nugget 

is telling us that once we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior that we should focus and work on, with prayer, the desire to do all things The Way the Bible says.  Sin is not what we say is sin, sin is what the Bible say is sin.  The Bible is the only Words God authorizes us to instruct one another with.  We are not authorized by God to tell anyone that any religion or tradition or any Capitalistic System is “The Way”.


Everything is “contagious” including Greed.  My greedy spirit will infect your contented spirit, if you are around me long enough.  Your contented spirit will infect my greedy spirit if you are around me long enough.  


We are “The Light of The World” and “There is no Other Light for the World”.  For a Christian to compromise sin and greed over obedience, has the effect of “Placing a Lampshade” over the Light that God would shine through your living, “If”, you were obedient and “Did Not Love Money”.


Ask God to bless you with a Contented Spirit,

 which is “Protection from the Demon of Greed” and Watch What Happens.


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