Put Away The Sword!

                                                            Put Away the Sword!


If We Can “See It”, It’s Not The Enemy.


Then Jesus said to him, “put your sword back into its place”.  For all who take the sword will perish by the sword.  (Matthew 26:52)

For our fight is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, and against spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.  (Ephesians 6:12)


To Fight a Spiritual War “We Must Use” Spiritual Weapons.


Our Daily Nugget is telling us that,

The Sword represents the world’s way, a worldly weapon, used by the Old Creature.  The New Creature are “Required” to use Spiritual Weapons as we Fight in this Spiritual War.  We also must “Know The Enemy”.  If we can see it, it’s not the enemy.


The Bible says, we have “Righteousness” (Right Living) as our Weapon, both to “Attack” and to “Defend” Ourselves With!  Showing Kindness to people who are unkind to us is a Spiritual Weapon.  Prayer to God is a Spiritual Weapon.  Trusting in God is a Spiritual Weapon.  


The Holy Spirit Cannot Do “His Job” Until We “Put Away The Sword”.

Saul could not “See The Enemy” Until He “Put Away The Sword”.

We Will Not be Able to “Love” until we “Put Away The Sword”.


To Put Away The Sword is to “Stop Pointing Our Finger” at One Another.

Then you will call, and the Lord will answer.  You will cry for help, and He will say, “Here I Am!”  Get rid of that yoke.  “Don’t Point Your Finger” and “Say Wicked Things”.  (Isaiah. 58:9)


God will Fight our Battles when we “Put Away The Sword”; He will not leave us helpless; God Is Faithful to us, when we Put our “Trust” in Him.  God has our Deliverer, Jesus, “Standing By”, “Ready to Save”.


To fight using Spiritual Weapons is a “Choice”, a “Decision”, to Trust God and to Live Life the way He says in the Bible.  This is the First Step in Putting Away the Sword, the World’s Way.  God wants to fight our battles.  We will let God fight our battles or we will use our sword.  “The sword cannot deliver”.


Ask God to Bless You with the Wisdom to:

Put Away The Sword and Watch What Happens!


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