The Necessity of Vision.

                                                         The Necessity of Vision.

                               He Who Aims at Nothing, Normally Hits It!


Where there is “No Vision”, the people “Perish”: but he that keepth the law (God’s Word, the Bible), happy is he.  (Proverbs 28:18)


The Blind does not Know God’s Word, the Bible.

When “The Blind” is leading “The Blind”, they both “Fall Into a Ditch”!


Perish – To be destroyed or turned to ruin.

Vision – The act of seeing external objects; actual sight.  Faith here is turned into 

    vision there.  The faculty of seeing; sight.


What Are You “Looking At”?

We can be blind with our eyes wide open.  There is no “hope” for the people without “vision”.  Vision and wisdom walk together.  A lack of vision leaves us with foolishness.  If we do not “look”, we will never “see”.  God’s Word, the Bible, “Gives Us Vision”.


God’s Word, the Bible, is Light and Life; this Light and Life is Vision.  The Kingdom Citizen with a heart/mind to “Love”, will have vision.  The Word will Light our Way and thereby show us what to do to prevent perishing.  Never try to “figure it out”, ask God to Bless you with Vision, so that you can see the right way and the wrong way.


Our Living follows our Focusing.  Let your Visions, be visions of life and not visions of death.  Our Visions are determined by “What” we have been “Thinking”.  You can “Vision” your Day, each Morning.  Vision your day “Pleasing the Lord”, through Loving the Lord and Loving your neighbor.


Solomon told us to “be careful ‘What’ we Think”; for through our Thinking “we set” the boundaries of our life.  Thinking has “Creative Abilities”, that create our visions, our living follows our visions.  Without vision, there is no right living, therefore, “The People Will Perish”.


God’s Word Tells us what Right and Wrong Living Is.

Ask God to Bless You with the 

Right Visions and Watch the Salvation of Yourself and Your Household.


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