


Respect Is “Given” not “Earned”!


Show “proper respect to everyone”, love the family of believers, fear God, honor the emperor.  (1 Peter 2:17)


To “Respect” People is a Command.


In our Daily Nugget, Peter is telling the people “How To Live Godly Lives in a Pagen Society”.  In a Pagen society Respect must be earned; in a Godly Society people give one another Respect, it’s also called Love.  God “gives” people value and “respect” that “they can’t earn”.  God’s Children should “give people value and respect because we cannot earn it” and God Commands it.


Respect – An “attitude” of reverence and deference that acknowledges the

                significance of a person or a thing.


Who, which person, is the “Authority” on when our actions say, now respect is sufficient to qualify as “earned”.  To respect a person is to “Love Your Neighbor As You Love Yourself”.  The Word says, “Show Proper Respect to Everyone”.  The World says, “Everyone Must Earn Respect or Get Disrespected”!


How Does A Person “Earn Respect” and “From Whom”?

We each must stand before God; we must not stand before one another.


What is to “Earn Respect”?  Who is the Arbitrator?

Who determines that one’s actions are such that, they earn respect.  In a culture called the Headhunters, they “Earn Respect” when a man have accumulated twelve skulls.  How do you earn respect?  What do you do to “earn respect”?  What do others have to do for you to give them respect?  Where do we get respect from to have it to give to someone?  What does it mean to Give Respect?  To Give Respect is to “Love”.


Respect and Love Walk Together.

The Bible says, Whatever You Want – Give It; cause, “That’s What’s Coming Back To You”.  Pride will say to us, “they don’t deserve respect”; therefore, I will disrespect them.  Disrespecting people will make God your enemy.


Humility says, Respect Everyone. 

“Obey Humility”,

And Watch What Happens!


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