The Destiny of "Faith"!

                                                            The Destiny of “Faith”!

Is Salvation.


Who are kept by the power of God through “Faith” unto Salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.  (1 Peter 1:5) 

Receiving the “End of Your Faith”, even the Salvation of your souls.  (1 Peter 1:9)


“Saving Power” is the Destiny of Faith!


Jesus, the Christ, “Has Paid It All”; therefore, there is no condemnation for us who “Believe”.  Belief and Faith “walk together”.  If we “Believe” our Daily Nuggets and “Chose” to “Trust” our Daily Nuggets we will be able to “Live By Faith”.


Believe – To “Trust in Christ” “and” “Commit to Living” in a way that God wants.

Faith – Provides “Assurance” for the future because it is a “Trust in God” today.


It is not Faith, if we Trust ourselves or doubt; we will Trust God or self.


Our “Faith” “has been” given to us by God; we must “exercise”, put to work, our Faith.  To Trust God is evidence that we are not trusting self; to trust self is evidence that we are not trusting God.  Our “Actions” and our “Words” tells us and everybody else if we exercised our Faith or coward in Fear.     


Ask God for the Wisdom to Exercise your Faith.  We cannot “Exercise our Faith” and “Coward in Fear”!  We all know when we are fearful or not.  Faith will make us as bold as a lion and as humble as a lamb. 


To remember that we brought nothing into this world with us and that we are taking nothing out of this world with us, lead us to “Not love the world or the things in it”.  To love the world and the things in it can produce a “fear” of losing those things. Faith and Fear cannot occupy the same heart/mind at the same time.  To love the world and the things in it will lead to death; dead hearts/minds cannot exercise Faith.


Kingdom Citizens “Utilize” things of the world, we don’t “Love them”.


Ask God to Bless you to

never Love the world or the things in it, and to always Exercise Faith over Fear,

And Watch What Happens.


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