The Lord Needs It.

                                                               The Lord Needs It.


Let The Lord Use You, “LOVE”!


If anyone asks you, “Why are you untying it”?  Say, “The Lord Needs It”.  

(Luke 19:31)


When The Master Calls, Never Resist, “Be Ready” To Go!


Our Daily Nugget

is about when Jesus was getting ready to go into Jerusalem and He sent His disciples to go into town where they would find a donkey tied up. Jesus was going to ride on the donkey into Jerusalem.  Jesus told them to untie and to bring the donkey to Him.  He also told them that if anyone asked them what are you doing untying my donkey,  Jesus said for them to say, “The Lord Needs It”. 


Always remember, all-day, every day, that the Spirit World controls the Physical World.  God is Spirit, Jesus and God are one, therefore, even though Jesus was in a Physical Body He was still Spirit; as God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are one.


The Bible tells us that God and Jesus know what “We Have Need Of” “Even Before we Ask”.  The Holy Spirit directed the heart/mind of the owner of the donkey to just let some total strangers come and untie “his donkey”, without even asking or saying anything to him.  You know without the Holy Spirit controlling the heart/mind of the owner, “It Would Have Been A Fight”.  But the owner just let them go with it.


The Bible says, God controls the heart/mind of a King, as easily as He controls how a brook flows through the forest.  It is nothing for God to make any of us do what He wants us to do, even if we don’t want to do it.


Always remember that God created us and sent us to earth, we did not ask to come here. God holds Himself responsible for providing for our needs.  When Jesus was on earth and needed something, God controlled the heart/mind of people to provide what Jesus needed.  Jesus and the disciples needed money to pay taxes, Jesus told them to go fish, and the fish had a gold coin in its stomach, that was valued enough to pay the taxes that was owed.  God feed and clothed two million people for forty years in the desert: no stores, no gardens, and no rivers or lakes for water.


Kingdom Citizens “Need To Never Worry”.  “But We Do Need To Obey”.

The Master Knows “What We Have Need Of” and “He Promise to Provide”.


Ask God to Bless You with The Wisdom to

“Consider It Already Done, Anything, and Everything You Have Need Of”.

We Bring “Patience” and “Trust” to the Table.  Now Watch How He Provides.


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