Watch Your Mouth.

                                                                Watch Your Mouth.


Our Words “Guides our Living”.


A good man out of the good treasure of his heart (mind) “bringeth forth that which is good”; and an evil man out of the treasure of his heart (mind) “bringeth forth evil”: for of the “Abundance of the Heart (Mind) his Mouth Speaketh”.  (Luke 6:45)


Our Speaking follows our Thinking.

To “Watch Our Mouths” is “Great Wisdom”.

Never say something that, “You Do Not Want To Happen”!


I looked around at my situation and I said, “I Said That Was Going To Happen”!  Our Words are commands, demands, to the Spirit World to bring forth that which we say.  We are God’s Children, made in His Image; just like God’s Words Create, His Children’s Words Create, for we are made in His Image.


The Words that come out of our mouths start between our ears, through Thinking.  Our Thinking is determined by “What We Have Consumed” through our ears, eyes; things we see and hear.  Solomon said to “Guard Your Heart (Mind).  To watch anything and to listen to anything is to be foolish with our living.


Rather we be good, or evil is the fruit of “What We Think”!


Never say anything just because you “Feel Like It”.

But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgement.  (Matthew 12:36)


What we “Think” determines what we say.  Solomon told us to be careful “What” we Think, because What we Think “Sets the Boundaries” of our Life.  The Words that we speak are determined by “The Things We Think About”.  


The Bible tells us to have the “Mind of Christ”.  The mind that Christ had was “To Do the ‘Work’ His Father Sent Him To Do”; this is the Mind that we need to have.  To have this Mind is To “Watch Our Mouths”.  For the mouth speaks what the heart/mind has been filled with.


To Be “Slow To Speak” Is To “Watch Our Mouths”.


Ask God to Bless You to 

“Fill your Heart/Mind with His Words”

And Behold The Words that your “Mouth Speaks”.


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