An Incredible “Source” of Power.
Be careful “What you Think”, for through your Thinking “You Set the boundaries of your life”. (Proverbs 4:23)
Our “Living” Has No Option But to Follow Our “Focus”!
To Focus is “spiritual activity”; the spirit world controls the physical world.
Focus – Means to concentrate on God, His teachings, and His will.
It involves giving spiritual matters “priority” over worldly distractions.
Everything that is, started with “A Focus”, through “Thinking”.
In the beginning, before God created the world, “He Said”. Before we can say, we must focus. Eve “focused” on the fruit before she ate it. A way to start anything is to “Focus” through to the end “Before You Begin”. To see the end before you begin is great wisdom. Our Focus leads us to Life or to Death.
To Keep our heart, mind, eyes, on Jesus and what He requires of us, will lead us to Holy Living and away from Sinful Living. Whatever we Focus on we get more of it, the greater the focus the quicker and the more of it we get. The more we focus on problems, the more problems we get; the more we focus on solutions, the more solutions we get.
Through Focusing, Thinking, God has given us the ability to create. We create life every day, starting first thing in the morning. We determine “What” we Focus or Think on. The more we focus, the more the spirit world work to bring into existence “what” we are thinking on. It is not wise to focus on or think about things we do not want to happen. Plus, it is not intelligent.
Worry is a horrible mentality, because through worry we bring into existence that which we are worrying about. Focus on, think about, pray for things that lead to life and not to death. To a very great extent, “We Control Our Life” and we have brought into existence, through focus, “the life we are living”.
God gives us the desires of our heart/mind, “What We Think”; even when it is not good for us. The people wanted a King, God said you’ve got Me. But they were insistent and focused on having a King, like the world. God gave them the desires of their heart/mind, what they focused on. Never love the world nor anything in it.
Focus on, Think on, “God’s Word”, The Bible,
All Day, Each Day, and You’ll Set Pleasing Boundaries for you and your household!
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