It's Yours.

                                                                          It’s Yours.


Do you want it? 


Therefore, I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, “believe that you ‘have’ received it”, “and it will be yours”.  (Mark 11:24)

Ask, and it will be given you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.  (Matthew 7:7)

It’s yours for the Asking!


We should “believe” that we “have received” what we ask for in prayer, even before we receive it.  The word “ask” in Greek implies a humble request or petition.  Jesus said to God, “I know you always hear me when I pray”.  Let us say to God, “I know you ‘always’ hear me when I pray”.  


If you do not believe like this, “Ask God to Bless you to Believe like this” and He will.  God so designed life for us that we were to just “enjoy” His Kingdom”.  The disobedience of Adam brought “death” to God’s design.  The obedience of Jesus’ brought “life” to God’s design.


Our Daily Nugget

written by Mark and Matthew are telling us that to have the Abundant Life we must “Ask God for What We Want”.  We must “Believe That We Have Already Received”.  If you have no food in the house; pray to God for food, “Believe that He Has Delivered the food, “Now Go Set The Table”.  Practice and Pray this way of living until it is “An Automatic Action”, like walking and talking.


Jesus said, we have not because we “Ask Not”.  Jesus said, Ask and it will be given to you.  God/Jesus “Cannot Lie”.  Put God to the test. God loves for us to Put Him to The Test.  This is “Exercising Our Faith”.  God has given each of us “The Measure of Faith” that each of us need to Live Our Purpose.


To be able to ask and receive is Salvation from the “Power of Sin”.  We must “Believe and Doubt Not”, “Then” our Daily Nugget will be real “for us”.  Doubt and sin will not allow these scriptures to be real for us.  Remember that God’s Word is alive and active all the time.  We can trust Him, He Loves us, and He cannot lie.


Jesus paid a “Huge Price” for us to have the ability to “Ask and Receive”.

Don’t let His Life and Death be in Vain for you.

“Ask Today”, “It’s Yours”! 


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