


Recognize The Lord’s Splendor!


Honor and majesty surround him; strength and beauty fill his sanctuary.  O nations of the world, “Recognize The LORD”; recognize that the Lord is glorious and strong.  “Give to the LORD” the glory He deserves!  Bring your offering and come into His courts.  Worship the LORD in all “His Holy Splendor”.  Let all the earth tremble before Him. 

(Psalms 96:6-9)


Magnificent – Great – Powerful – Holy – Glorious. 

We Obey our Daily Nugget through “Obedience to The Word, the Bible”.


Honor – To show “high respect” or “great esteem” for someone.

Majesty – Used to describe God’s Power, Glory, and Greatness.

Splendor – A term that describes Magnificence, Glory, or Radiant Beauty. 

Worship – The act of honoring and obeying God with Love, Awe, and Gratitude.


Our Daily Nugget

is letting us know that we must “Recognize the Lord” for All That He Is. “He is Everything”.  It takes a “Humbled Heart/Mind to Obey Our Daily Nugget”.  To not “Recognize the Lord” is sin and a lack of consideration for Who the LORD Is, and what the LORD has done for us.  This is a message to the whole world.


To Recognize the Lord is to Love Him and to Love our Neighbors as we Love Ourselves.  The Bible calls this True Worship, “feeding the hungry, taking care of the fatherless children, taking care of the widows who have no one to help them, visiting those in prison and helping them when they get out. Seeing after the sick and helping them to get better”.


We Recognize the Lord in our Living and in our dying to self.  We cannot Love our Neighbors until we Recognize the Lord.  The need to Love supersedes and crosses all denominations and religions.  We cannot love the Lord and not love our neighbors; if we try, we are fooling ourselves; this Lack of Love is wicked.  


The LORD will say to the wicked; “Depart from Me you wicked people”.  When the LORD is our Lord, we will Love our Neighbor.  When we are our LORD, we will not Love our Neighbor.  Recognize the LORD, as your Lord. We cannot Love the Lord and be wicked to our neighbors.


 “Recognize The Lord’s Splendor”; “Love Today”!


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