The Covering.
The Covering.
They Were “Covered In Prayer”.
While they were worshiping the Lord and Fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Set apart ‘for Me’ Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them”. So, after they had fasted and prayed, “they placed their hands on them and sent them off”.
(Acts 13:2&3)
To be Covered by Fasting and Prayer is protection from demonic spirits!
“Prayer Works”, it works better with “Fasting”.
To add Fasting makes it work much better! God asked Satan, “what have you been doing”? Satan said, I’ve been going to and fro throughout the earth “seeking someone to devour”. Satan is on his job twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Fasting and Prayer is like a shield to the one covered in fasting and prayer.
Praying for one another is one of the best things we can do for one another. The Bible says, “never correct a conceited person because you will only get insulted”; so, what do we do for the conceited person we love and hate to see them on the road to destruction? We pray we fast for conceited people, and we correct wise people.
Wise people are not conceited, they will thank you for correcting them, the foolish people will hate you for correcting them. Foolish people would rather be wrong than to be corrected. We can fast and pray for people and them not know it. Many of us are standing, walking and talking today because people prayed for us, even as we were unaware of what they were doing.
Instead of us complaining and pointing fingers at one another, which is sin, “let us develop a practice” of “Covering One Another in Fasting and Prayer”. This is Love! The Holy Spirit will lead us to hear and obey Him, which is “Wisdom”. This is a way for us to become “Wise” in our choices and in our decisions.
We can’t lose, when we utilize Fasting and Prayer.
Some demonic spirits will only leave people by much Fasting and Prayer.
Love your neighbor; “Cover them in Fasting and Prayer”!
Satan “Must Flee”, “When we ‘Cover’ One Another in Fasting and Prayer”!
Ask God to Bless
you with the Wisdom to “Fast and Pray” concerning every dilemma
in your life and prepare your heart/mind for Victory All Day, over the wicked one.
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