The Spirit of Retribution!

                                                         The Spirit of Retribution!  


Kingdom Citizens are to “Never Seek Retribution”.


Do not repay anyone evil for evil.  Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone.  If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.  Do not take revenge (retribution), my dear friends, “But Leave Room For God’s Wrath”, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge”; “I Will Repay”.  (Romans 12:17-21)


A desire to seek retribution is part of our “fallen state”.

A “Renewed Heart/Mind” is “Protection” from a “Spirit of Retribution”.


The Holy Spirit would “never” lead someone to seek retribution.  The demonic spirit would lead everyone to seek retribution.  The demonic spirit is always wanting us to and leading us to fight one another.   The Lord did not argue or go around pointing his finger and accusing people.  Jesus had “all power”, but He “Humbled Himself” and allowed His Father to seek Divine Retribution.  This is what we must do.


To Physically Protect yourself and to Seek Retribution are not the same.

Retribution Demonic – The idea of “paying someone back” for their actions.

          Sometimes people seek retribution because they are mad that they were “held 


Retribution Divine – When God “punishes” the wicked and rewards the good.  This

          will occur at the judgement for those who rejected God’s Word. 


All Retribution that man seeks is Demonic Retribution.

God permits man to design a government so that the people will live in an orderly fashion, under rules and regulations.  In the Bible God requires people to obey the government.  God gives the government the “power to punish” wrongdoing by the people.  When the government punishes us for wrongdoing, to seek retribution by punishing the government officials is wicked and evil; it’s called rebellion at best.


The more we fill our heart/mind, our Thinking Process with God’s Word, the less we will be inclined to do people wrong, with what we call retribution.  A Heart/Mind to Love cannot exist with a Heart/Mind to seek revenge and retribution.


Ask God to Bless You With the Wisdom

To Resist the Spirit of Retribution and Chose to Love the Lord and Your Neighbor.


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