Train Them Up!

                                                                    Train Them Up!


How are we “Training Them Up”?


Train up a child “In The Way He Should Go”, and when he is old, he “will not” depart from it. (Proverbs 22:6).  He Should go in the way of The Word, the Bible.


We Parents, Train Them Up In The Way They Go.


Our Daily Nugget

is letting us know that we, parents, are “the main characters in determining how our children’s lives will go”.  “We Teach Our Children What We Are”!  What type of person do you want your child to be?  You “must be” that type of person to teach them to be that type of person;  this is what you will teach them, “Good or Bad”.  


If we are honest, that is what we will teach them to be, if we are deceivers, we will teach them to deceive, if we believe we can do all things through Christ, we will teach them that they can do all things through Christ.  The great majority of the time we are teaching our children, we are not even aware that we are teaching them, but we are always teaching.  God holds us responsible for what we teach our children.


If we are parents who want our children to “Know God’s Word and to Obey It”, we must be parents who “Know God’s Word and Obeys It”.  It is impossible for us to teach our children to be something that we are not.  Someone might “Say”, I’m honest but my child is not.  Someone might say a whole lot of things; We, Kingdom Citizens, are only authorized “To Say The Word”.  The Word Is Enough!  Just say The Word, The Bible, and the child will be all right.  When we parents do our part, God will do His Part; however, we must trust, be patient and wait on God to act. 


The Secret to “Training Them Up Correctly” is “To Be Trained Up Ourselves”.  “Remember, we Teach Our Children What We Are”, it’s automatic.  Prayer, Studying of God’s Word, the Bible, and a “Desire” to be the parent that God would have you to be and to “Train Up Our Children” in the way God would have them to be trained, must be our Continuous Doing and Thinking.


Ask The Lord To Help You To Be the Parent He would have you to be, and to

Bless you to Train Up Your Children in The Way they Should Go. 

Rejoice as you Watch What Happens.


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