Be Real.

                                                                           Be Real.


Get Tired of “Pretending”; “Take Off The Mask”.


Be on your guard against the “Yeast of the Pharisees” (false teaching) “which is hypocrisy” (worshipping a false god).  There is nothing concealed that will not be “disclosed”, or “hidden” that will not be made known.  (Luke 12:1-2)


You can’t keep your “True Self” hidden forever; before long, you will be exposed.  You can’t hide behind the “religious mask” forever; sooner or later the mask will slip, and your “True Face” will be known.  (Luke 12:1-2 paraphrased)


Humility, Leads us to “Be Real”; Pride leads us to the “Yeast of The Pharisees”.


Our Daily Nugget

is Luke telling the early Church and us that we are to “Be on our Guard Against the Yeast of the Pharisees”; this is their False Teaching.  They “Distort the Word of God”, The Bible, in order to “Excuse Their Immoral, Sinful Ways”; this is “Hypocrisy, the Worshipping of a “false god”.  There are still many false teachers in the land today. Knowledge of what The Bible Says is Protection from the False Teaching.


For anyone to attempt to deceive another by making them 

“Purposely Misunderstand the Bible is Hypocrisy”, it is to Worship a False God.


Being Real is “Freedom and Protection” from Loving the World and the Things in the World.  When our heart/mind is Thinking “False” our mouth will speak “Unreal Things, Falseness, Lies”; when our heart/mind is Thinking “Truth” our mouth will speak Real Things, Truth.  Being Real is a Fruit of Humility. 


Look at what James says for us to do:  Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed (of whatever sin).  The effectual fervent prayers of a Righteous Man “availeth much”.  (James 5:16)


Ask God to Bless you with the wisdom to 

Detect and Reject False Teaching and to Be A Real Righteous Man.


If we are not Real, we are living in deception and will never be a “Righteous Man”.

God left His World in the Hands of “Real”, “Righteous Men”.

“Represent Well”!


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