The "Proper Time".

                                                              The “Proper Time”.


Never Become Weary In Doing Good!


Let us not become weary in “doing good”, for at the “Proper Time” we will reap a harvest “If We Do Not Give Up”.  Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us “do good” to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.  (Galatians 6:9-10)


The Prizes In Life are given at the End of The Race.


Our Daily Nugget 

is showing us “The Justice of God”.  Look at the reason that God tells us to Never become weary in well-doing: Don’t be misled-you cannot mock the Justice of God.  “You will always harvest what you plant”.  Those who live only to satisfy their own sinful nature will harvest decay and death from that sinful nature.  But those who live to please the Spirit will harvest everlasting life from the Spirit. 

(Galatians 6:7-8)


The Justice of God is “Equal Weights and Equal Measures”!


The “More Good” we do for others, the “More Good” God does for us!  If we refuse to give up on people, God will refuse to give up on us.  God’s Words are “promises” from God to us.  God cannot lie and He has All Power to perform His Word.  In “Due Time” God “Will Make It All Right”.  We should continue to go forward in doing good, even when the ones we are doing good for, do us bad.  God has “promised” to Make It Right; “If We Don’t Give Up”.  To Trust God will deliver what we need.


Truly “Patience” is a virtue and necessary for us to “Continue to Do Good”.  The Holy Spirit is speaking to us telling us to “Continue in Doing Good”, the Demonic Spirit is speaking to us telling us “You’ve done enough, you’re tired, stop”.  Stop doing good for others at the point you want God to stop doing good for you!  None of us ever want God to stop doing good for us; no matter how much bad we do toward Him.  Love your neighbor as you love yourself.


Whatever you want God to do for you, do that for others and 

Watch How God Blesses you and your household.  

He will Make It Right at the Proper Tim!


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