Why Be Kind?
Why Be Kind?
You do yourself a favor when you are Kind.
You do yourself a favor when you are “Kind”. If you are “Cruel”, you only hurt yourself. (Proverbs 11:17)
Put on then, as God’s Chosen Ones, Holy and Beloved, compassion, “kindness”, humility, meekness, and patience. (Colossians 3:12)
One of The Best things I can do for me is to be Kind to you!
Cruel – To cause pain or distress to others, or to be without mercy or compassion.
Kind – Is a quality of being “compassionate”, “merciful”, and “selfless”. It’s an
action that involves being good to others and is often associated with moral
and ethical behavior. (Can you feel a person’s pain or not?)
Are you a Kind Person or are you a Cruel Person?
How do you treat people when you are happy with them, and how do you treat people when you are unhappy with them. If you are not “Kind” to both, then you are “cruel”. If we are not “Kind”, we are “Cruel”. Never allow your anger to allow you to be cruel. There is never a justification to be cruel in God’s Sight.
The more we Think “Kind Things” concerning people, the more “Kind Things” we will do concerning people; the more we Think “Cruel Things” concerning people, the more Cruel Things we will do concerning people, “Which Will Only Hurt Ourselves and our Household”.
To be Kind is Obedience to the Holy Spirit, being Cruel is Obedience to the Demonic Spirit. If we are not compassionate, merciful, or selfless, “We Are Cruel”. To be cruel or to be kind, “Starts Between Our Ears”, “Through ‘WHAT’ we Think”.
“What” Are You Thinking?
Are you Thinking to “Love Your Neighbor as You Love Yourself”, or are you Thinking to “Make you neighbor Pay for what they have done or not done concerning you”? Choosing to make your neighbor pay is “Cruel”. Choosing to Forgive your neighbor is “Kind”.
Whatever you want “Give It”,
Kindness or Cruelty, because That is what’s coming back to you, “Multiplied”.
Never Think about Things you do not want to happen, it’s not Intelligent to do so.
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