
Showing posts from September, 2022

The Angry "Fool"!

  Ecclesiastes 7:9 Be not quick in your   spirit   to become angry, for   anger lodges in the heart (mind) of fools.   The Angry Fool   God said,  Be Angry , But Sin Not.  The Fool Sins Due To His Anger!   Two Types of Anger : Righteous -  It’s Okay  with God. Unrighteous -  It’s not okay  with God.    Definition of A Fool:           One who has rebelled against God.          The word “fool” doesn’t signify a person that’s ignorant.   Characteristics of A Fool:           Does not take sin seriously.          Doing wrong is a joke to a fool.          Foolish women destroy their households with their foolishness.          Whoever utter slander is a fool.          The way of a fool is always right in their own eyes.          A fool despises his father’s instructions.   Our Daily Nugget is referencing  unrighteous anger .  The righteous anger is pleasing to God.  Righteous anger leads us to do God’s Will.  Unrighteous anger leads us to do our will, which is sin and displeasing to God; this

When Truth And Deception Meet!

  John 4:16 & 17 Jesus told her, Go get your husband and come back.                          The woman answered, But I have no husband.   When  “Truth”  And  “Deception”  Meet!     When “Light” Meets “Darkness”!   Our Daily Nugget lets us know that; Motive  is a place where “Truth & Deception Meets. Motive  is where God Looks To See “Why” we did it.   Deception! Why didn’t she mention anything about her past five husbands? Why didn’t she mention that she was “shacking” with maybe number six husband? From her answer, one could even “assume” she was a virgin.   Truth  – God’s Word is Truth.  To deceive, in any form, is the opposite of truth.             Important Truths! Just as fresh water and salt water cannot flow from the same faucet, truth  and  deception  cannot flow from the same mouth. The mouth speaks what the heart (mind) is full of.   Deceive  – To misled, to lead astray or frustrate usually by underhandedness.                    Lying is one of the most popular forms

Righteous Jealousy!

  Zechariah 8:2 Thus saith the LORD of hosts; I was   “jealous”   for Zion with   “great   jealousy” , and I was jealous for her with   “great fury”.   Zechariah 8:2 The Lord All-Powerful says, I have a very strong love for Mount Zion.  I love her so much that I became angry when she was not  “faithful”  to me.   "Righteous" Jealousy!   When “The Lord of Host” Is  Jealous , That Is Serious Business!   When someone takes what  “belongs to you”  and   “give it to another”  and you become jealous; that is a  “righteous jealousy”. You  “will”  be jealous concerning that which you  “Love ”! If you don’t  Love it , you  will not  be Jealous concerning it. Righteous Jealousy is not a weakness; it expresses  “Sincerity & Truth”!   Jealousy - There are two types of Jealousy: 1.      Righteous – God like. 2.      Unrighteous - Satan like.   Righteous jealousy  is what God has toward  us when we love anybody or anything more than or instead of Him, and when we be unfaithful to Him.

The "Spirit World" Controls The "Physical World"!

  Proverbs 20:27     Your spirit  is like a   lamp  to The Lord.     He   is able to   “see”   into your   deepest parts.     The  “Spirit World”  Controls The “ Physical World”!     Human beings have a spirit, but we are not spirit! But only believers are “spiritually alive.”   Your Spirit contains “ All Truth About You”! Your Spirit Cannot  “Lie About You”! A Wise Prayer, “Lord Bless Me To See Me The Way You See Me!   Our  “Spirit”  can explain  “The Why”  - We did it !   Our  “Deepest Parts” are where bone and marrow meet,  where motives are formed. We cannot see into each other’s deepest parts,  only God can .   Therefore , no person knows who is and who is not saved. We know what The Bible say, and we can know what each other do, but we cannot know each other’s motives,  only God can .   Keep Your  “Spirit”  focused on  “The Light”, in  Yourself  and in  Others !   When I see the best in you, I see the best in myself. When I see the worst in you, I see the worst in myself.   Our l

God Promised Us!

  Galatians 3:14          Due to what Jesus did, the blessing   God “promised”   to Abraham   was given to all people.     Christ died so that   “by believing”   in him we could have the   “Spirit ” that God promised.   God Promised Us!   The Promise from God to “Abraham”, to “You” & to “Me” Is  “The Spirit”!   The Spirit is The “First Payment” of The Promise!   Let Us Explore This Promise                 Genesis 12:1-3                The Lord said to Abram,        Leave  your country and your people.       Leave  your father’s family  and go  to the country that I will show you”.       I will  build a great nation from you.       I will  bless you.                 I will  make your name famous.                 People will  use your name to bless other people.                 I will  bless those who bless you.                 I will  curse those who curse you.                 I will  use you to bless all the people on earth.   Is That A Promise or is That A Promise!   People with “