
Showing posts from October, 2022

Love or Just Noise - The Way of Truth!

  We should “all love each other”.    This is not a new command.     It is the same command we had from the beginning. And loving means  “living”  the way he commanded us to  “live”.   And God’s command is this: that you  “live”  a  “life”  of   Love”.   You heard this command from the beginning.     (2 John 1:5&6)   Love or Just Noise - The Way of Truth!   If it ain’t “love” it is “just noise”.   Love  is not  “a feeling” !   Love  is “ action”!   Our Daily Nugget is commanding us to “Live” a “Life” of “Love”! This indicates a continuous action.   There are SOOO many different meanings of “love” and almost anything else.  For Kingdom Citizens to be on “One Accord” and for all of us to look like Jesus to The World; we must all base our actions on The Bible, while trusting the Holy Spirit to guide us in the Right Way.   Our Daily Nugget also tells us what “loving” means: Loving means “Living”  The Way  God has commanded us to “Live”. Its All About  The Bible   “First” .   Order is C

To "Be Happy" and "Live Right"!

The Lord’s laws are right.     They make people “Happy”.     The Lord’s commands are good.     They show people the “Right Way To Live”.     (Psalms 19:8)   To “Be Happy” and “Live Right”!   We  Can  Be Happy and Live Right.   We Cannot Live Wrong and Be Happy.   The Bible, The Only “Instruction Manual” God Gave Mankind On How To “Be Happy and Live Right”.   The Are Only Two Ways to Do Anything. 1.      God’s Way - The only Right Way, it’s found in The Bible.  The Word. 2.      Man’s Way - All Other Ways, they are found outside The Bible.  The World.     God’s Way Leads to Light and Life. Happiness and Joy. Man’s Way Leads to Darkness and Death.  Sin and Depression.   The Wage of Sin is “Still Death”; Jesus did not change that.   Our Daily Nugget is telling us that: 1.      The Lord’s Laws are “Right”!  The Kingdom Citizen’s Paradigm, Standard. 2.      The Lord’s Laws make people “Happy”.  If the Lord’s Laws are reigning in  your mind, you will not be “depressed”, nor will you “need” a

When "The Lord" is "My Shepherd"!

  The Lord is “My Shepherd”; I shall “Not Want”. (Psalms 23:1)   When  “The Lord” is “My Shepherd”!   When The Lord  is not  My Shepherd, I "Shall Want"!   Our Daily Nugget is telling us the  “ When”  The Lord is  “Our Shepherd”  That “ We Shall Not Want” .   When Jesus was on earth He never “wanted” for anything. Why? When He “needed” Things, He just “Asked” God for it, and God gave it to Him. God was Jesus’ Shepherd. Now,  When  Jesus is our Shepherd,  we can “Ask” Him, and He will give  it  to us the way God gave it to Him.   To be able to ask like this requires: Faith and Obedience, first. Never focus on the problem, focus on the solution, “Our Shepherd”.   Lord - A master; a person possessing supreme power and authority; a ruler. Shepherd - To watch over; protect the interest of. Want - The state of not having; absence or scarcity of what is needed.   Jesus said, “We Have Not Because We “Ask” Not”!   Our Shepherd is “Able” to fill “any” need or desire or want that we hav

Boat People!

  Romans 9:27 And Isaiah cries out about Israel: There are so many people of Israel, they are like the grains of sand by the sea.     “But only a few of them will be saved.”     Boat People!   Make Sure, You’re One of The Few In The “Boat”! Jesus is The Captain of The Boat! There is an Instruction Manual Concerning The Boat, it is called The Bible.   We Must Learn It and Obey It.   In our Daily Nugget, Paul was explaining how “Isaiah’s Heart” went out concerning the people of Israel.  They all were considered God’s People, but only a “Few” of them would be saved.   There are many who go to Church and say I believe. There are many who “say they are Christians.  But how many will be “saved”?   The Bible, God’s Word, makes it plain; We all will reap what we sow.  What we sow will be the “Fruit” of our Thinking Process.  Our living follows our focus.   Solomon tells us to be careful how we “Think”,  for through our “thinking”, we set the parameters of our life.   Don’t “Ever” Think you can

Spiritual Autoimmune Disease!

  If you continue hurting each other and tearing each other apart, be careful, or you will completely destroy each other. (Galatians 5:15)   Spiritual Autoimmune Disease!   A Condition where the Body or Spirit Attacks Itself! In The Body of Christ - Are We There Yet?   In the scriptures before our Daily Nugget, Paul was trying to correct the bad understanding the people of Galatia had gotten from some men who had told them that they had to be “circumcised” to belong to Christ.     This was the people’s “religions” and “traditions”. Paul explained to them that now, in Christ, we have “Freedom” from the rules about circumcision.     Paul also admonished the people  to not use  this Freedom as a  “Cover To Commit Sin Today and Still Go To Heaven When We Die”. Sound Familiar?   The  desire  to be inconsiderate to our neighbor grows as we continue to live in sin. The demons controlling these desires will lead us to hurt one another and to tear each other apart. As these demons lead us to de

Let It Go - For Your Sake!

  Forget about the wrong things people do to you.     Don’t try to get even.     Love your neighbor as you love yourself.     I Am The Lord.     (Leviticus 19:18)   Let It Go - For Your Sake!   When We “Let  It  Go” because The Lord Said So, Then, The Lord, will “Pick  It  &  Us  Up”!   Three Points To Our Daily Nugget: 1.      Forget about the wrong things people do to you. 2.      Don’t try to get even. 3.      Love your neighbor as you love yourself.   Satan does not want us to Let It Go.  He wants us to try to “handle it”.  Handling it and getting vengeance are the same thing.   All vengeance  belongs to God as all wrongdoing is firstly against God.  God said, Vengeance is mine, “I Will Repay”.   Paying a person back is “Stealing God’s Vengeance”! Stealing God’s Vengeance  could be a greater sin or wrong then the sin or wrong someone did to you!   Paying a person back is a sign of weakness not strength. Forgiving is a sign of strength.   God knows that it is not the easiest thi

By Faith - You Made It "Real"!

  Hebrews 13:1, 2&6   Faith   is what makes real the things we   hope   for.     It (Faith) is   proof   of what we cannot see.     God was pleased with the people who lived long ago because they had   faith   like this. Without   faith  no one can please God.     Whoever comes to God must   believe   that He is real and that He rewards those who   sincerely try  to find Him.   By Faith - You Made It "Real"!   The things we “Hope For” have not yet occurred, therefore the things we hope for are not real, yet.   Our Daily Nugget is telling us that although what we Hope for have not yet occurred, therefore not real; that we as Kingdom Citizens, with “The Power” that comes with that position we can make the things we Hope for Real by, Adding or Applying or Exercising  ” Our Faith”.   God gave us The Faith, therefore, it is “Our Faith”. We don’t need to pray for more Faith.  We need to pray for the Wisdom to Exercise “Our Faith” Sufficiently!   Words in Our Daily Nugget: 1.