
Showing posts from December, 2022

The First!

  If the “first” piece of bread is given to God,   then  the whole loaf is His also, and if the roots of a tree are offered to God, the branches are His.     (Romans 11:16)   First!   Give God “The First”! God “Demands” and “Deserves” The First! “Whatever” you want “Blessed”, “Give It To God First”!   Our Daily Nugget is telling us that if we “ Honor God”  by giving Him “The First” of “The Thing We Value”;  that He will “See To It” that the Whole is Blessed and Protected.   The Best Insurance for A Good Tomorrow is a “Well Lived Today”! The Best Insurance for Living Today Well is to, “Give Today To God, First Thing In The Morning”,  Now Everything “You Do” is directed by The Holy Spirit, because you gave  “The First Of Your Day To God”!    When we give the first of anything we have to God, God commits Himself to the “well-being” of the rest of it.  God require the first ten percent of our increase, rather its money, land, time, however we increase; He promises to bless the rest.     Go

The Forgiver!

For if you “forgive” other people when they sin against you, your heavenly father “will” also “forgive you”.     But   if you “do not” “forgive” others their sins, your Father “will not” forgive your sins.     (Matthew 6:14-15)   The Forgiver!   Our Daily Nugget Speaks about the Forgiver and the Forgiven; We will focus on the “Forgiver”.    We All Need To Be A Forgiver! We All Need To Be Forgiven!   If I refuse to be a “forgiver”, I will never be “forgiven”!   If I add “all” the sins people have committed against me  together,  they would be a “drop in the bucket” compared to all the sins I have committed against God, Jesus and The Holy Spirit!   When I, the forgiver, forgives a person, I benefit more than the person forgiven! When I refuse to forgive you,  I am the one who losses; for I have made God my enemy by trying to play God.   How long will I “punish” you, this time? As a Kingdom Citizen my job is to “Obey God”, not to try to “Play God”.   I am “too guilty” myself, to try to pl


May the God of “Hope” fill you with all joy and peace in “believing”, so that by the Power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in “Hope”.     (Romans 15:13)   Hope!   Hope Makes You “Feel Like Going On”! How Does “Hope” Do This? Hope is Trusting God!   Our Daily Nugget is A Prayer Paul prayed to God for the Christians in Rome and for us.   He addresses God as “The God of Hope”. Paul is asking the God of Hope to fill us with all “joy” and “peace” in  believing , So that by the Power of “The Holy Spirit”, we may abound in Hope. If we “believe” we can, we will; if we believe we can’t, we will not.   Hope: To  “desire”  something.   To “trust” in, “wait” for, “look” for, or to “expect”  something beneficial in the future.   The more we desire a thing,  the more we command, demand, that thing into our lives. Good or Bad.   It is not intelligent to  “Hope For” or to “Think About” things you do not want to happen; this is Focus. Our Life follows Our Focus.   To “Hope” for, or to  desire  someth

Fear "Faced", Must "Flee"!

  Therefore, “Submit” to God.     “Resist” the devil, and   he will   “Flee from you”.     (James 4:7)   Fear "Faced", Must "Flee"!   After Jesus told the disciples that He had been given  “All Power”, He Said; Go Ye Therefore, and preach and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father, The Son, and the Holy Ghost and “Lo,  I Am “With” You Always ”!   Our Daily Nugget Gives Us The “Order Of Victory”!   Submit – To Order Under.  We must order “self” “under” God.  Resist – To Stand Against.  To act in “Opposition “; to oppose. Flee – To run with rapidity.  As from danger.   Satan “Will Flee”, Because He Can’t Handle “The Light”! We control the “Dimmer Switch”,  which “Determines” how “Bright or Dim” The Light will be, “In Our Life”. The more we “Focus” on The Word, the Brighter The Light Gets.   Satan is a “Defeated Foe”! The Battle is not Ours but The Lord’s; Jesus Won The Battle On Calvary! However,  we must  “submit to God” and “resist the devil”;  t


Why am I so sad?     Why am I so upset?     I tell myself, “Wait for God’s Help”.   (Psalms 42:5)   “Depression”!   Thinking is Spiritual Activity. The Spirit World Controls The Physical World.  Bad, Wrong, Unbiblical “Thinking” Leads To Depression!   Social Media has provided an excellent platform for  “Much Dark Thinking and Dark Actions” to occur and flourish.    Demonic spirits lead their “willing host” to believe that they can do wrong and nobody will find out.  Much “provisions for the flesh” are made on social media.  The Spirit of God is everywhere and knows everything.     Social media is not good nor bad, demons know that it is an excellent place to keep its host’s attention on.  The demons will easily lead its host to spend three or four hours on social media attempting to satisfy self; but the demons will make its host “feel like” it does not have three or four minutes to “Read The Bible”.   There Is No Such Thing As A Secret!    Society Today is in a “Serious Epidemic Of D


Do no withhold “good” from those who deserve it, when it is in your power to act.   Do not say to your neighbor, I’ll give it tomorrow, when you have it with you.      (Proverbs 3:27 & 28)   Accommodating!   To be “good” is to be “accommodating”.   To Accommodate our Neighbor,  “Is To Love Our Neighbor As We Love Ourselves”!   God is all about “us” having all we need to have a “comfortable life”, according to God’s view of comfortable, not our view.  God uses commands to us to accomplish this.  God “distributes” His Resources to us and through us.  The Holy Spirit knows where God has deposited His resources and He knows who are in need of these resources.   Obedience to the Command to Love Your Neighbor As You Love Yourself will assure that the demons of selfishness and greed will not pollute your  “Thinking Process”,  which can prevent you from being accommodating to your neighbor.   Our Daily Nugget tells us to not withhold good from those who deserve it. Who deserves good and wh


If we “confess our sins”, He is faithful and just and will “Forgive” us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness (wrong living, sin).     (1 John 1:9)     Forgiven!   Guilty As A Dog; Free As A Bird;  “In Christ”!   Confess – Admit or state that one has committed a crime or is at fault in some way.   Our Daily Nugget is telling us that if we “Confess” our sins that God will forgive us. Our Daily Nugget, 1 John 1:9 is “Only” available to the people who have committed Hearts (Minds) to “Living”, 1 John 1:7.     1 John 1:7 says, But  if  we  walk  in “The Light”,  as  He is in “The Light”, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, His Son, purifies us from all sin.   To “Walk In The Light” means that we have committed hearts (minds) to “Right Living”, it means our  motives  are sincere when we say we have repented. God examines our “motives” for “sincerity and truth” and “lies”.     Our Daily Nugget is not a license to sin as much as we like, and just say I sinne